14 February 201911 February 2019 Biofuel sustainability criteria ‘blocked’ in EU Commission Proposed low-risk certification scheme criteria seemed “too light” to some commissioners, as it would pave the way for an easier entering of palm oil in the EU-market
20 May 201419 May 2014 Biomass: the sustainability challenge Scientific experts, policymakers and NGO and industry representatives discussed this question at the recent European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) conference in Brussels
21 November 20139 September 2021 CO2-Nutzung als Kraftstoff und Chemierohstoff steht in den Startlöchern Dynamische Technologie-Entwicklungen – Investoren warten auf Marktanreize
CO2 is ready to go as a fuel and chemical feedstock Dynamic technological developments – Investors await market incentives