12 February 202511 February 2025 CO2 Revolution 2025: Fueling the Future, Capturing Possibilities Exploring Innovative Pathways in Green Hydrogen, Carbon Capture, and (Biogenic) CO2 Utilisation at the CO2-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference
Die CO2-Wende 2025: Rohstoffe der Zukunft, Potenziale der Gegenwart Innovative Wege zu grünem Wasserstoff, moderner Kohlendioxidabscheidung und Nutzung von (biogenem) CO2 auf der CO2-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference
18 May 20219 September 2021 The need for bio-based carbon in a sustainable future – Studies on support to R&I policy in the area of bio-based products and services “Carbon Economy” project illustrates the role of bioeconomy in a low fossil carbon economy for Europe, today and in the future.
2 September 20209 September 2021 Chemical industry on the pathway to renewable carbon This summer the first survey on renewable carbon in the chemical industry was conducted. 20 to 25% of the carbon supply is already renewable
4 August 20204 August 2020 Survey collecting evidence about the use of and knowledge about renewable carbon in products/materials Survey runs until mid of September
9 June 20204 June 2020 Leading Danish companies join forces on an ambitious sustainable fuel project New industrial-scale production facility planned to produce sustainable fuels for road, maritime and air transport in the Copenhagen area
6 April 20209 September 2021 Power-to-fuel project plans 6 commercial-scale carbon neutral fuel facilities by 2030 Consortium plans to establish renewable fuel facilities during a Liquid Winds-led project
21 March 201918 March 2019 EU publications: Bio-based products From idea to market “15 EU success stories” - Study