11 August 20237 August 2023 Transforming Organic Waste into Valuable Biobased Succinic Acid – Project LUCRA kicked off Unique process to convert underutilized organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and wood waste into bio-based succinic acid is supposed to be demonstrated
Organische Abfälle in hochwertige biobasierte Bernsteinsäure umwandeln – Projektstart von LUCRA Einzigartiges Verfahren zur Umwandlung von ungenutzten organischen Anteilen fester Siedlungsabfälle und Holzabfällen in biobasierte Bernsteinsäure wird erprobt
20 January 202219 January 2022 Unique equipment for biotechnological capture and conversion of CO2 into chemical building blocks developed in the BioRECO2VER project Examining the conversion of CO2 emissions from refineries and the cement industry into the chemical building blocks isobutene (C4H8) and lactate (C2H6O3)
24 September 202122 September 2021 BIObec: leveraging education to unlock the EU bioeconomy’s full potential Maximising the opportunities offered by the bioeconomy by interlinking universities, innovation labs, and R&D centres with industrial actors and regions
7 February 20204 February 2020 Italy welcomes bioeconomy, kisses agricultural runoff goodbye Italy has invested heavily in the bioeconomy, primarily in research, also supported by the European Union
Ciao Bioökonomie! Italien hat stark in die Bioökonomie investiert, vor allem in die Forschung, was auch von der Europäischen Union unterstützt wird
7 December 20152 December 2015 New Technologies for Insect-Resistant and Herbicide-Tolerant Plants Italian researchers published complete overview of the present status of the technologies used for commercially available varieties for producing IR and HT plants
13 May 201512 May 2015 Economy and Ecology – the problems behind the Economy without nature Interview with Ferdinando Boero - Professor of Zoology and Marine Biology
4 August 20141 August 2014 Neuer Weg macht Wasserstoff-Herstellung günstig Verfahren benutzt Alkohol-Lösungen und nanostrukturierte Elektroden
4 November 20134 November 2013 Vorteilhafte Destabilisierung Ungewöhnliche strukturelle und elektronische Eigenschaften machen Hautpigmente zu überlegenen Radikalenfängern
7 January 2013 Italien: Neue Allianz für Biokraft- und Biokunststoffe Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Chimica Verde fördert "Grüne Chemie"