21 January 202516 January 2025 A competitive Europe – with or without plastics? Event in the European Parliament to explore the urgent need for innovation, regulatory clarity, and investment to boost plastic recycling
29 November 202428 November 2024 Advanced Recycling: Innovative Improvements and New Technologies – a Promising Investment Sector for Europe Almost 270 delegates attended the Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) in Cologne on 20-21 November 2024 - the leading advanced recycling conference in Europe
Advanced Recycling: Innovative Lösungen und neue Technologien – ein vielversprechender Sektor für Investitionen in Europa Fast 270 Delegierte nahmen am 20. und 21. November 2024 in Köln an der Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) teil – der führenden Konferenz für fortgeschrittenes Recycling in Europa
5 December 202317 December 2024 The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 – A Success Story Beyond Chemical Recycling With an impressive increase of almost 30% to nearly 300 participants from 26 countries, the Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) has established itself as the leading event for innovation in recycling in just one year
Die Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 – Eine Erfolgsgeschichte über das Chemische Recycling hinaus Mit einem beeindruckenden Zuwachs von fast 30% auf fast 300 Teilnehmer aus 26 Ländern hat sich die Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) in nur einem Jahr als die führende Veranstaltung für Innovationen im Recycling etabliert
8 March 20233 March 2023 Pathways towards circular plastics in Europe — good practice examples from countries, business and citizens Plastics play an essential role in modern society. However, their value chain is currently unsustainable, contributing to the generation of climate changing emissions and increasing waste and pollution. Reducing such impacts while retaining plastics’ usefulness requires a shift towards a more circular and sustainable plastics system. This shift can be accelerated by scaling up good practice examples and making improvements across the plastics value chain
30 September 202127 September 2021 European plastics producers call for a mandatory EU recycled content target for plastics packaging of 30% by 2030 An enabling policy framework and collaboration with the value chain are essential to reach target
1 December 20209 September 2021 Circular Plastics Alliance: A step closer to 10 million tonnes of recycled plastics In January 2021, the CPA will deliver three more actions, including a monitoring system to track the plastics materials flows in Europe