3 January 202518 December 2024 Biorefinery advances waste treatment in Zaragoza CIRCULAR BIOCARBON’s new Spanish biorefinery is set to transform organic waste and sewage sludge into valuable bio-based products
Bioraffinerie bringt Abfallbehandlung in Saragossa voran Durch die neue spanische Bioraffinerie von CIRCULAR BIOCARBON sollen organische Abfälle und Klärschlämme in wertvolle biobasierte Produkte umgewandelt werden
5 July 202130 June 2021 Ohne Start-ups keine Bioökonomie Wettbewerb „PlanB – Biobasiert.Business.Bayern.“ zeichnet grüne Geschäftsideen aus
21 January 20219 September 2021 These companies are seeking to turn carbon into value A new frontier of companies, backed by growing interest in the broader carbontech movement, are looking to sequester carbon into goods for everyday usage
5 November 20209 September 2021 Carbontech is getting ready for its market moment It's the exciting idea that we can take something that could be considered waste, draw it out of the atmosphere and turn it into a source of economic growth