3 March 20162 March 2016 Automakers experiment with biobased composites About 100 tons of processed jute fibers were used in 2015 for automotive parts
12 March 2013 ZeaChem begins production of cellulosic chemicals and ethanol, advances toward commercialization Facility will prove biorefining process for commercial-scale production
25 February 2011 NaWaRo im Automobil: Trend deutlich ansteigend Natürliche Werkstoffe können sich hohen Anforderungen stellen
14 December 2010 Nawaros im Automobil zeigen Trend Bio-Verbundwerkstoffe aus Naturfasern, Olivenkernen oder Kautschuk sind serienreif
13 February 2009 USA: 28 new soy products in 2008 Product introductions include foam for the bedroom and cleaners for the kitchen