5 January 202421 December 2023 M2ARE: Maritime Methanol – Adaptable, Renewable and Environmentally friendly: Reducing marine fuel CO2 emissions by more than 80% In response to the high demand for maritime decarbonized fuel, M²ARE project will deliver a methanol synthesis demonstration plant by mid-2027, using the existing pilot plant located at the Air Liquide Innovation Campus Frankfurt, Germany
12 April 20226 April 2022 Nachwachsende Rohstoffe anstelle von Rohöl in Raffinerien verarbeiten Im Projekt BioMates ist Forschern ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt zur Erreichung des Projektziels gelungen
Processing renewable raw materials instead of crude oil in refineries In the project BioMates, researchers made another important step for achieving the project’s goal
6 August 20201 August 2020 Converting waste into a usable resource Three partners in the 3-year EU-funded NOMAD Project to find a cost-effective and mobile solution to creating earth-kind bio-fertilisers
31 January 201730 January 2017 High quality bio-based intermediate products for conventional, crude-oil-processing refineries The fossil-dominated refining sector could utilise a bio-based co-feed of reliable properties in existing conversion units
Hochwertige biobasierte Einsatzstoffe für den erdölverarbeitenden Raffinerieprozess Um in Zukunft biobasierte Materialien im großen Maßstab mit in die Raffinerien einfließen lassen zu können, wird hoch definiertes Material benötigt
20 December 201225 July 2014 EU research project on algae-based polymers kicks off: SPLASH – Sustainable Polymers from Algae Sugars and Hydrocarbons
3 March 2009 BtL-Forschungsprojekt OPTFUEL unter VW-Leitung gestartet 7,8 Mio. € EU-Fördermittel sollen Großproduktion synthetischer Biokraftstoffe vorantreiben