11 November 20209 September 2021 U.S. Department of Energy Announces $27 Million in Plastics Recycling Research and Development All new projects will help improve existing recycling processes that break plastics into chemical building blocks, which can then be used to make new products
20 August 20209 September 2021 New use for plastic waste being developed Case Western Reserve researchers developing process to recycle ‘thermoset’ plastics; examples include wind-turbine blades, auto parts, boats, other structural materials
1 February 2013 Transcend Coffee Launches New Biodegradable Coffee Bags "Omnidegradable” film made by partner Hamilton Ontario’s TekPak Solutions
24 January 2013 Avoiding the Definition of Irony: When Wind Turbine Blades and Solar Panels End Up in Landfills National Science Foundation award for common research in alternative biological-based materials
9 December 2010 Bio-Schaumstoff aus Milcheiweiß und Lehm-Mineralen Bisher aufwendige Herstellung - aber optimale Kompostiereigenschaften
14 August 2008 Papier als Ersatz für Eisen? Nanopapier mit hohem Potential für die Werkstoffindustrie