3 July 201925 June 2019 Cashew Nutshells – A valuable Byproduct Recent LCA reported that the production of 1 kg of NX-2026 releases 1.92 kg of CO2 equivalents to the environment while a larger amount of CO2 is captured into the product during photosynthesis by the cashew tree Anacardium occidentale
7 February 20198 February 2019 Applications are welcome for the “Bio-based Material of the Year 2019” Deadline for submission: end of February 2019
Bewerbungen zum Innovationspreis „Bio-based Material of the Year 2019“ willkommen Einreichungsfrist: Ende Februar 2019
17 May 201817 May 2018 Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2018” goes to Arctic Biomaterials from Finland for degradable glass fibre reinforced PLA The “International Conference on Bio-based Materials” is with more than 200 participants one of the biggest conferences in Europe
Der Innovationspreis „Bio-based Material of the Year 2018“ geht an Arctic Biomaterials aus Finnland für mit abbaubaren Glasfasern verstärktes PLA Die „International Conference on Bio-based Materials“ ist mit mehr als 200 Teilnehmern eine der größten Konferenzen zu bio-basierten Materialien in Europa
25 April 2018 Six candidates are nominated for the Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2018” From cashew nut residuals and cellulose fibrils over roof shingle sealer from soy-bean oil up to innovative composite and packaging materials
Sechs Kandidaten für den Innovationspreis “Bio-based Material of the Year 2018” nominiert Von Nebenprodukten der Cashewnuss-Produktion und Zellulosefibrillen über eine Dachschindelversiegelung aus Sojaöl bis hin zu innovativen Verbund- und Verpackungsmaterialien
25 September 201524 September 2015 Belgian solar car produced with bio-based resins to compete at the World Solar Challenge 2015 Cardolite Corporation, SHD composite Materials Ltd and Solvay are supporting the Punch Powertrain Solar Team from the University of Leuven in building the Punch One, a Belgian solar car based on bio-based resins