30 November 201829 November 2018 Innovations in Biotechnology to Save the Climate The abundance of plastic that sits on the Earth contributes significantly to the world’s climate challenges
9 August 20185 August 2018 Greenwood: America Leads in Biopharmaceutical Innovation. Let’s Keep It That Way. Other countries are adopting policies designed to attract biotechnology firms to their shores, and as a result, the U.S. is losing some of its competitive advantage
4 July 20183 July 2018 As More Countries Adopt Crop Biotechnology, Farm Families and the Environment Benefit Developing countries now account for 53 percent of the global biotech area planted
30 April 201826 April 2018 BIO Applauds Farm Bill Amendments Addressing Ag Biotech The House Agriculture Committee approved on Wednesday, April 18, amendments to the panel’s Farm Bill addressing some key BIO policy priorities
25 April 201819 April 2018 Gene Editing Is A Continuum of Plant Breeding Even with the FDA and the WHO determining that GMOs are safe, activists worked hard to sow fear and skepticism about the technology in the public
17 October 201711 October 2017 Celebrate Oktoberfest with Biotech Beer! Not only can biotechnology help produce beer, it can also improve it
2 May 201627 April 2016 Highlights of the BIO Conference 2016 Short recap of the BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, 18-20 April 2016
2 September 20141 September 2014 4 benefits of plant-made pharmaceuticals Why is developing therapeutic proteins in plants a safer, more efficient and cost-effective method of protein production?
20 September 2013 BIO’s CEO Jim Greenwood Congratulates Gevo, Inc. on the Construction of its new Demonstration Paraxylene Plant BIO Applauds Bipartisan Legislation That Levels the Playing Field for Renewable Chemicals
18 October 2012 Renewable Chemicals Helping to Build the Biobased Economy Panelists at BIO's Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy plenary session, Biotechnology and Renewable Chemicals agreed: The Future is Now!
12 October 2012 The Synthetic Biology Pathway to Innovation in Fuels and Chemicals BIO’s Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy: Synthetic biology can lead to a sustainable solution to a critical global problems
23 April 2012 Biotechnology and Sustainability The future of our planet requires that we improve the environmental, economic and social impact of our global farming systems
1 December 2010 BIO Asks Congress to Include Biobased Materials and Renewable Chemicals in Tax Legislation Biotechnology developed by U.S. companies could revitalize U.S. manufacturing and generate tens of thousands of jobs