21 April 201718 April 2017 From moo to goo: Cooperating microbes convert methane to alternative fuel source Scientists at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed a new system to convert methane into a deep green, energy-rich, gelatin-like substance
9 August 20165 August 2016 Olive oil waste yields molecules useful in chemical and food industries New process to produce biosurfactants more cheaply than current production methods
17 June 201520 January 2016 Starved-out bacteria aid in wastewater treatment Australian researchers to use microorganisms for treating wastewater
26 March 201525 March 2015 New magnetic carbon composites for biological and environmental applications from the “pressure cooker” Researchers developed simple process for direct synthesis of magnetic carbon composites and demonstrated their useful application in biogas production
Neue magnetische Kohlenstoff-Komposite für die Bio- und Umwelttechnik aus dem „Dampfdrucktopf“ Forscher haben einfaches Verfahren zur Herstellung magnetischer Kohlenstoff-Komposite entwickelt und nutzbringenden Einsatz bei der Biogaserzeugung aufgezeigt
23 February 201522 February 2015 From waste to value: Capabilities of biogas-producing microorganisms are underestimated ATB’s junior research group APECS to explore the liquid by-products of thermochemical biomass conversion
Wie aus Schadstoffen Wertstoffe werden: Fähigkeit biogasbildender Mikroorganismen unterschätzt Nachwuchsgruppe APECS am ATB erforscht flüssige Nebenprodukte aus der thermochemischen Umwandlung von Biomasse