21 February 202518 February 2025 HyLion network: e-methanol for CO2-reduced supply chains Projects and AI applications along the e-methanol supply chain
27 March 202420 March 2024 Landmark study on offloading onboard captured carbon dioxide identifies low port readiness as key barrier to large-scale commercialisation Landmark study on offloading onboard captured carbon dioxide identifies low port readiness as key barrier to large-scale commercialisation
9 April 20157 April 2015 From skyscraper to ‘plyscraper’: The tower blocks made from wood Pure construction material wood can still struggle to be cheaper than concrete
20 March 201516 February 2018 Fassadensystem aus Bioverbundwerkstoffen BioBuild-Projekt: Innovative Baumaterialien auf Basis natürlicher, schnell nachwachsender Rohstoffe ersetzen konventionelle Baustoffe
2 March 201515 February 2018 The BioBuild project showcases biocomposite structures for use in construction Collaboration of 7 EU-countries to offer interesting views into an energy saving, sustainable biocomposites building future
10 October 20149 October 2014 Wooden skyscrapers could be the future of flat-pack cities around the world The development of engineered timber could herald a new era of eco-friendly ‘plyscrapers’. Christchurch welcomed its first multistorey timber structure this year, there are plans for Vancouver, and the talk is China could follow
14 May 2013 Weltweit erstes Algenhaus in Hamburg präsentiert BIQ-Algenhaus mit zukunftsweisender Fassadentechnik ist nichts für Eigenheimbesitzer
14 September 2012 Micro-algae prove ideal for green façades Bioreactive glass facade to produce energy