6 March 20252 March 2025 United Sustainable Flight Fund Invests in Heirloom to Scale Direct Air Capture Sustainable Flight Fund also gets the right to purchase up to 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide removal - Heirloom's proven technology uses limestone to absorb CO2
Nachhaltigkeitsfonds von United Airlines investiert in Direct Air Capture Anbieter Fonds erwirbt außerdem das Kaufrecht für 500.000 Tonnen abgeschiedenes CO2 – Heirloom-Verfahren setzt auf Kalkstein, um der Luft Kohlenstoffdioxid zu entziehen
3 March 202328 February 2023 United Airlines gründet neuen Fonds: Über 100 Millionen US-Dollar zur gezielten Förderung von nachhaltigen Flugkraftstoffen Renommierte Partnerunternehmen wie JPMorgan Chase, GE Aerospace, Honeywell und Air Canada – Auch Fluggäste können den Fonds unterstützen
3 October 201726 October 2017 Federal government seeking partner to look at way to create domestic jet biofuel industry The government signed an international agreement to make the airline industry carbon-neutral by 2020 and biofuels are currently the only way to meet that target
23 October 201521 October 2015 The airlines: who’s doing what in aviation biofuels? Who’s a Major Player, who’s a Pioneer, who’s committed, who’s monitoring the space as a stakeholder? We look at 45 airlines and their efforts in bringing low-carbon fuels to the marketplace