8 August 202315 November 2023 Stockholm University leads Bio-LUSH for development of new sustainable bio-based fibers for a circular bioeconomy The four-year Bio-LUSH project, launched in May 2023, supports the establishment of a sustainable bio-fibrous economy and manufacturing sector in Europe
20 November 20209 September 2021 MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities Through a combination of intensive protein or metabolic engineering of defined mixed cultures and bioprocess-optimisation, MIX-UP will enable new value chains across sectors like materials, chemicals, and environmental technologies
15 April 201910 April 2019 Mit Enzymen synthetische Fasern bearbeiten Enzyme herstellen, mit denen sich synthetische Fasern besser färben lassen und die beim Waschen Knötchen verhindern, – das ist einem Forschungskonsortium nun gelungen
6 October 20143 October 2014 Cellulosics and the EU: chasing higher rates, yields, and more value from lignin EU-scene is lively and well — greatly cheered by news of POET-DSM and Beta Renewables, openings at Abengoa Bioenergy and DuPont
21 November 2012 Die Biotech-Offensive der Chemieindustrie Stimmungswandel in der Industrie: Investitionen in der Biotechnologie
19 June 2012 Außergewöhnliche Allianzen für eine biobasierte Industrie BMBF fördert wegweisende Vorzeigeprojekte der Bioökonomie