SUEZ and TOTAL are joining forces to collect and recycle used cooking oil in France. As part of their 10-year partnership, SUEZ will supply 20,000 metric tons of used cooking oil a year to TOTAL. Collected throughout France, the oil will be processed into biofuel at Total’s La Mède biorefinery.
In response to growing demand for biofuel, TOTAL is transforming its La Mède site into France’s first biorefinery, one of the largest in Europe. The facility will produce biodiesel by refining used cooking oil, residual oil and vegetable oil. The high-quality biodiesel (HVO) will be easily blended into regular diesel in any proportion, with no adverse impact on fuel quality or engines.
At present, 45,000 metric tons a year of used cooking oil are collected in France, out of an estimated total of more than 100,000 metric tons. The partnership between SUEZ and TOTAL will increase amount of used oil collected by more than 20% and improve its conversion through a short energy production loop beneficial for the environment.
SUEZ will deploy a France-wide oil collection and recycling system suitable for all types of producers, from consumers to the leading agrifood businesses. The oil will be transported to La Mède for preliminary treatment in a filtration unit built by SUEZ. The new unit will create around 50 local jobs.
Following the signature of the agreement, Michel Charton, Senior Vice President Refining & Base Chemicals Europe of Total, stated: “I’m delighted by this innovative partnership with SUEZ. This industrial cooperation will allow us to establish a sustainable country-wide industry to recycle used cooking oil to produce biofuels. The partnership helps Total meet its ambition of being the responsible energy major. Renewable energies, especially biomass, are a critical adjunct to oil and gas in order to meet demand for transportation fuel while managing carbon emissions.”
Jean-Marc Boursier, Senior Executive VP of SUEZ, in charge of Recycling & Recovery Europe, commented: “I am very proud of this partnership with TOTAL. By helping to transform the La Mède industrial site, SUEZ is supporting TOTAL’s ambitious environmental goals — which we share. As a partner of leading manufacturers in Europe and worldwide, we develop tailored solutions to make industrial ecology a reality by optimizing the use of resources. Our collaboration with TOTAL to process used cooking oil into biofuel is a successful illustration of the circular economy.”
About SUEZ
A resource revolution is dawning. Faced with population growth, accelerating urbanization and declining natural resources, securing, optimizing and recovering resources is vital to our future. Suez (Paris: SEV, Brussels: SEVB) supplies 92 million people with clean water and 65 million with wastewater treatment services. It collects the waste of nearly 34 million people, recycles 16 million tons of waste a year and produces 7 TWh of local and renewable energy. Suez has 82,536 employees and operations worldwide. It is a key player in the circular economy through sustainable resource management. In 2015, Suez reported revenue of €15.1 billion.
Total, press release, 2016-12-06.
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