SodaStream International, Ltd. (NASDAQ: SODA) today unveiled the new and innovative Bio Bottle™, a breakthrough in food storage containers. The Bio Bottle is a technology being applied to the packaging of SodaStream flavors, enabling the packaging to decompose much faster than conventional plastic. SodaStream has partnered with Bio-Tec Environmental, LLC to use its EcoPure biodegradable technology for the Bio Bottle. Visitors to the SodaStream booth at the IHA housewares show taking place now in Chicago were the first to see and learn more about the Bio Bottle.
“Over 340 billion bottles and cans are not recycled every year. Most of them are thrown away, with the majority ending up in landfill,” stated Daniel Birnbaum, CEO of SodaStream. “SodaStream’s reusable carbonation bottle is the heart of our environmental benefit. And now with the Bio Bottle, even our flavor packaging is eco-friendly, as we can now reduce the environmental impact of our syrup containers. We are proud to lead in the development of the first widely-distributed soda packaging that decomposes at a significantly faster rate than conventional plastic. This brings us one step closer to a zero-footprint packaging solution, and helps achieve our goal of a world free from bottles and cans.”
The Bio Bottle is made with special material that helps it biodegrade into organic components in a landfill or compost facility in as little as 5 years instead of the usual 450 years or more. This is based on ASTM D-5511-02 testing. SodaStream flavor packaging will begin adding the technology later this year.
“We are proud to see the purpose of our technology being fulfilled by SodaStream’s Bio Bottle,” said John Lake, CEO and co-founder of Bio-Tec. “This application is a significant step towards what will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the health of our planet and its citizens.”
Mr. Birnbaum concluded, “The SodaStream Bio Bottle demonstrates SodaStream’s commitment to rid the world from the hazards of bottle packaging. We challenge the beverage industry to follow our lead and to consider similar projects to lessen the dangerous impact of their waste.”
About SodaStream
SodaStream manufactures home beverage carbonation systems, which enable consumers to easily transform ordinary tap water instantly into carbonated soft drinks and sparkling water. Soda makers offer a highly differentiated and innovative solution to consumers of bottled and canned carbonated soft drinks and sparkling water. Their products are environmentally friendly, cost effective, promote health and wellness, and are customizable and fun to use. In addition, their products offer convenience by eliminating the need to carry bottles home from the supermarket, to store bottles at home or to regularly dispose of empty bottles. Their products are available at more than 40,000 retail stores in 41 countries around the world.
About Bio-Tec Environmental, LLC
Bio-Tec Environmental llc. is a United States based company that manufactures EcoPure®, an additive used to enhance the biodegradability of oil-based plastics. EcoPure® has been commercially available for over three years and is manufactured at several locations in the United States and is available worldwide. EcoPure® can be used in many different manufacturing applications and plastic resin types, including PE, PP, PET, and others. Bio-Tec is committed to reducing the scourge of plastic waste by making otherwise inert materials susceptible to digestion by microorganisms when disposed of in biologically-active environments.
Soda Stream, press release, 2011-03-08.
Bio-Tec Environmental, LLC
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