Renewable ethanol in Europe: first ever State of the Industry Report published

ePURE Report assesses State of the Ethanol Industry

The European Renewable Ethanol Industry Association (ePURE) has published its first ever State of the Industry Report. The report gives a comprehensive overview of the situation of renewable ethanol production and consumption in Europe today and sets out the opportunities and challenges for the industry’s future. The impact of EU policy on the ethanol industry is closely examined throughout the report.

Amongst the conclusions of the report are:

  • Renewable ethanol Made in Europe is a valuable source of energy making Europe more independent in the supply of its energy needs.
  • In addition to the most cost-effective renewable fuel to decarbonise the transport sector, the European ethanol industry generates high-quality, protein- rich animal feed, which helps to fill Europe’s gap in protein needs. By using crops in an optimal way, renewable ethanol made in Europe has little or no adverse land implications.
  • Today’s highly innovative ethanol plants are true biorefineries providing feed, food, fuel and fibres from a variety of raw material be it agricultural crops, waste or residues. Renewable ethanol Made in Europe is an incredibly versatile product, a crucial chain in the bioeconomy we are building.
  • “Renewable ethanol, already contributing positively to Europe’s innovation, job creation, climate goals and energy security, will have an increasingly important role in meeting these challenges in the future. We produced this first ever State of the Industry Report because we felt it was high time to show the facts about the European ethanol industry and to flag up its potential for the future”, said Rob Vierhout, ePURE’s Secretary General.

The full Report is available for download here.


European Renewable Ethanol Association (ePURE), press release, 2014-06-17.


European Renewable Ethanol Association (ePURE)


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