Policy recommendations published: How Biosolutions can strengthen Europe’s sustainability, resilience and competitiveness

The European Biosolutions Coalition held the first “European High-Level Summit on Biosolutions” in Brussels, gathering institutions, member states and industry to discuss how for Europe not to fall behind

A bio revolution is under way. It has great potential to deliver on the green agenda worldwide, but EU regulations are slowing down the development of biosolutions and weaken the competitiveness of Europe and European biosolutions companies.

Biosolutions can deliver on the green agenda worldwide, but outdated EU regulation stands in the way of realizing the full potential of biosolutions, and furthermore, it weakens the competitiveness of Europe and European biosolutions companies. Leading industry organisations from 6 European countries want to change this – and today The European Biosolutions Coalition held the first “European High-Level Summit on Biosolutions” in Brussels, gathering stakeholders from EU institutions, member states and industry to discuss how to move forward fast for Europe not to fall behind.

The Coalition has published a Manifest and policy recommendations called “How Biosolutions can strengthen Europe’s sustainability, resilience and competitiveness”, offering both principles and concrete proposals for a new green and bio-based regulatory regime and suggestions for regulatory changes needed to boost the biosolutions industry and bring green solutions to the European market much faster.

Director of the European Biosolutions Coalition, Sofie Carsten Nielsen says: “In just ten years, Europe can be free from polluting fossil materials, secure clean drinking water for everyone on the continent, and produce enough food for a growing world population in a sustainable way. All it requires is unlocking the untapped potential in biosolutions, and our recommendations are designed to do just that. We hope that the European Commission and decision makers will act fast and ensure companies access to the European market so we can finally embark on the bio revolution that we all need”.

Read more

Read the full document with the policy recommendations here.


EU Biocoalition, press release, 2024-02-20.


EU Biosolutions Coalition


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