When there are sufficient people registered for the PHA workshop for the afternoon of September 3rd, it will be held at the same location. The main focus of the congress is on the industrialisation aspects of the 9 PHA-polymer families in every step of the value chain, so also including compounding, conversion and application development steps.
Currently many players in the compounding, conversion and OEM parts of the value chain have no clear picture of what the PHA-platform is about and that it consists of many very different polymers. They often need more than just one PHA-polymer product to meet all their needs. After all, a PHA-copolymer with high co-monomer content, suitable for tie layer applications, is quite different from one with low co-monomer content, suitable for injection moulding applications.
Only 5-10 companies around the world are actively trying to industrialise a variety of PHA-polymers. They don’t necessarily compete with each other, since their product offerings are different, while most of them form alliances throughout the value chain to accelerate application development processes and market growth. Examples will be addressed at the congress.
Also the main technical challenges will be discussed. A lot of academic work is done on the microbiological aspects of making PHA-polymers, but very little academic work is done on the materials science aspects of the final PHA-polymers. These materials science aspects (like nucleation rate, processing window, structure/property-relations) will also be emphasized at the congress.
Finally, the full program can be found at http://www.bioplasticsmagazine.com/en/events/1PHAworldcongress/program.php
Organizer: Jan Ravenstijn and bioplastics MAGAZINE, supported by european bioplastics, nova-Institut GmbH and Kunststoffland NRW.
Jan Ravenstijn Consulting, 2018-07-11.
bioplastics MAGAZINE (Zeitschrift)
European Bioplastics e.V.
Jan Ravenstijn Consulting
kunststoffland NRW e.V.
nova-Institut GmbH
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