29 November 20249 December 2024 Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), November 2024 Let's take a look at what happened in November 2024 at RCI:
Navigating the Future of Sustainable Chemistry and Textiles: Insights from the ISC3 Investor Forum 2024 All the participants want is that their innovations contribute to a more sustainable textile industry and are supported by the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)
Wege in die Zukunft der Nachhaltigen Chemie und Textilien: Einblicke vom ISC3 Investor Forum 2024 Alle Teilnehmer wollen mit ihren Innovationen einen Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren Textilindustrie leisten und vom International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) gefördert werden
ExxonMobil to expand advanced recycling capacity Plans for 1 billion pounds capacity per year by 2027
Recycling Batteries with Citric Acid Highly efficient recycling process for NCM lithium-ion batteries
Industrial Microbes announces seed round funding Industrial Microbes announces seed round funding to drive scale-up of sustainable biobased materials, funding led by First Bight Ventures, supported by Universal Materials Incubator Co. (UMI)
Hankook begins mass production of tyres using first ISCC PLUS certified carbon black Premium tyre manufacturer Hankook has commenced the mass production of its tires utilising three types of ISCC PLUS (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) certified carbon black
Hankook startet erstmals Reifenproduktion mit ISCC PLUS zertifiziertem Carbon-Black Das aus dem Pyrolyseöl von Altreifen gewonnene Material wurde vom Tire-to-Tire Circular Economy Model Consortium entwickelt
28 November 202425 November 2024 Henkel and Celanese collaborate to offer adhesives made from captured CO2 emissions This partnership to enhance circularity in emulsion production by utilizing carbon capture-based materials
Henkel und Celanese kooperieren für nachhaltigen Klebstoff Partnerschaft zur Verbesserung der Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Emulsionsproduktion durch den Einsatz von Materialien auf Basis von Kohlenstoffabscheidung
Council greenlights EU certification framework for permanent carbon removals, carbon farming and carbon storage in products Certification schemes will be in place for operators to prove compliance with the regulation, who will be subject to robust and transparent monitoring, verification and reporting rules to promote trust in the system
Are biodegradable bioplastics meeting their promise? As the world grapples with plastic waste, which is set to double by 2050, recycling alone cannot meet the growing demand for plastic feedstocks
Arburg macht CO2-arme Compounds fit fürs Spritzgießen Arburg arbeitet jetzt mit dem Start-up Carbonauten zusammen, um deren CO2-reduzierte Compounds für Spritzgießanwendungen einsetzbar zu machen
The fungi and microbes that break down forever chemicals Emerging biobased techniques could offer new tools without the disadvantages of traditional methods
Odisha Startup Tackles Environmental And Food Waste Challenges With Bioplastics In a strategic development, an Odisha-based startup is transforming seafood waste into bioplastics, offering an innovative solution to both environmental pollution and food waste
Liverpool – Georgia research team join forces to develop sustainable bioplastics A collaboration between researchers from the University of Liverpool and the University of Georgia (UGA) aims to develop sustainable bioplastics
27 November 20242 December 2024 Waiting for Results: The Road to CBE JU Funding in 2025 Advancing the European Circular Bioeconomy by public funding
Join our free webinar today: “Discover Innovative Startups with RCI” Each startup will deliver a concise, 10-minute segment, featuring a 7-minute presentation and a 3-minute Q&A
Cooperation between ARBURG and carbonauten The two corporations are going to work with negative emission technology materials as CO2-negative primary products for the plastics, chemical, agricultural and construction industries
Kooperation ARBURG und carbonauten Kooperation von Arburg und dem Start-up Carbonauten – Ziel ist es, CO2-reduzierte Compounds für Spritzgießanwendungen einsetzbar zu machen
Bio-based fibres could pose greater threat to the environment than conventional plastics, study suggests The research has led scientists to suggest that materials being advocated as alternatives to plastic should be tested thoroughly before they are used extensively in a range of products
Falling EU competitiveness threatens circular plastics transition New data confirms further decline in European plastics manufacturing and recycled plastics production drops for first time
Sinkende EU-Wettbewerbsfähigkeit gefährdet Kunststoff-Kreislaufwirtschaft Neue Daten zeigen einen weiteren Rückgang der europäischen Kunststoffproduktion und erstmals einen Rückgang bei recycelten Kunststoffen
Project aims to convert Black Sea algae into bioplastics Collaboration project will do feasibility studies to assess the possible applications of macroalgae, including the manufacturing of fertilizer and bioplastics
Science breakthrough using plants as fuel without impacting food security A breakthrough more than a decade in the making, makes use of a plant’s leaves and stems to create oil, which has the potential to be used as a new global energy source
DOD Releases Final Nine Awards for Distributed Bioindustrial Manufacturing Program The Department of Defense today announced the remaining nine awards to bioindustrial firms under the Distributed Bioindustrial Manufacturing Program (DBIMP). This announcement completes the first phase of DBIMP investment at 34 total awards worth over $60 million
26 November 202421 November 2024 Acme-Hardesty Partners with Lygos To Represent Soltellus™ For Personal and Home Care Markets Lygos’ Soltellus™ is designed to meet the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products - multifunctional, biodegradable polymers - engineered to deliver high performance in various applications
Sustainable Travel: Introducing Biodegradable Baby Wipes in Travel Packs The Bamboo Fiber Baby Wipes are leading the way in sustainable baby care products - crafted from 100% natural bamboo fibers, these wipes are soft, strong, and gentle on baby's sensitive skin
Synata Bio’s Sylonto Project Awarded $4.5 Million NDRC Grant The waste carbon-to-ethanol facility will transform Henan Energy Group’s on-site waste gases into 50,000 tons of ethanol per year
Inspired by nature: Leaftronics pave way for biodegradable electronics "Leaftronics" is an approach that leverages the natural structure of leaves to create biodegradable electronic substrates with enhanced properties
Von der Natur inspiriert: Leaftronics ebnet den Weg für biologisch abbaubare Elektronik Leaftronics will die natürliche Struktur von Blättern nutzen, um biologisch abbaubare elektronische Substrate mit verbesserten Eigenschaften herzustellen
Rhenish mining district as a bioeconomy region: at the heart of structural change In the collaborative project "Bioeconomy – Understanding. Connecting. Supporting," a team led by RWTH Aachen is investigating the conditions under which the structural change in the Rhenish mining district can succeed in transforming it into a model bioeconomy region
CO2SMOS Project Releases Policy Recommendations for Accelerating CarbonCapture and Utilisation in Europe The CO2SMOS Consortium Urges EU Policymakers to Address Key Gaps in Regulatory and Funding Frameworks to Enable Widespread Adoption of Sustainable CO₂-Based Chemicals
Metgen integration with NewEnergyBlue will create full Array of Biochemicals refined from agricultural Waste NewEnergyBlue’s first U.S. biomass refinery is expected to begin operations in 2027 in Mason City, Iowa
25 November 202422 November 2024 Bio-based products certification: Webinar highlights collaborative path toward sustainability The upcoming EU webinar, titled “Advancing Bio-Based Products Certification: A Collaborative Path Towards Sustainability,” will delve into innovative solutions for the bio-based economy
Europe missing out on the potential of bio-waste with almost 75% ending up in landfills or incinerated The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) together with Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) to produce a second edition of the report identifying the untapped potential to valorise bio-waste in Europe
Baden-Württemberg: Land investiert 7 Millionen Euro in CO2-Recycling aus der Abluft von Unternehmen Jetzt Antrag stellen! Das Land fördert Demonstrations- und Pilotanlagen zum Kohlenstoffecycling aus Abgas und Abluft unter Einsatz biologischer und biohybrider Technologien
Enhancing compatibility and biodegradability of PLA/biomass composites via forest residue torrefaction New torrefaction approach improves mechanical properties and decomposition rate of PLA composites
Kohlenstoff-Kreislauf statt Plastikmüll Eisen-Elektrokatalyse baut Polystyrol ab und liefert grünen Wasserstoff
Shoe soles and heels with a new 3D printing material based on tanned leather waste AIMPLAS, Pikolinos, Evatalking and the Footwear Technology Centre of La Rioja are working on the ECOFAP Project to develop a new 3D printing material based on recycled natural leather
3D-Druck: Wie Lederreste zu Schuhsohlen werden Mit dem Ecofap-Projekt sollen Lederreste aus der Schuhproduktion zu Material für den 3D-Druck werden. Wie hilft das Projekt der Schuhindustrie, nachhaltiger zu wirtschaften? Und welche technologischen Herausforderungen werden dabei gelöst?
Electrochaea Partners with Hitachi to Bring Synthetic Methane to Japan Electrochaea and Hitachi have signed a five-year technology transfer and licensing agreement
Electrochaea und Hitachi unterschreiben Lizenzvereinbarung zur Herstellung von synthetischem Methan in Japan Electrochaea und Hitachi Ltd. haben eine fünfjährige Vereinbarung über Technologietransfer und Lizenzierung unterzeichnet
22 November 202419 November 2024 Avantium and Kirin collaborate to explore the use of Avantium’s PEF for packaging of the Kirin product portfolio Over the past three years, Avantium and Kirin have engaged in a productive collaboration, working on many PET-applications PEF monolayer evaluation - the results have been promising
Polyplastics Develops DURACONⓇ POM Grades with Short Cellulose Fiber for Greater Sustainability These new POM grades utilize regenerated cellulose fiber produced by the solvent method, which generates almost no waste
Sustainable Aviation Fuel – Key Market Drivers and Production Tech The ICAO is forecasting a tripling of international aviation emissions by 2050 without intervention - SAF has emerged as a crucial decarbonization tool offering up to 80% emissions reduction
Jakson Achieves Global First: CO2-to-Methanol Synthesis for NTPC Limited This ground-breaking project is located at NTPC’s Vindhyachal Thermal Power Plant in Madhya Pradesh, India
Kreislaufwirtschaft: Den Rohstoff Holz immer wieder einsammeln „Charta für Holz im Dialog“ zur Zirkularität
Researchers create novel electro-biodiesel more efficient, cleaner than alternatives Joshua Yuan, Susie Dai and colleagues at WashU and Texas A&M create biodiesel with electrocatalysis and bioconversion