Dipl.-Geogr. Dominik Vogt works in the area of project and conference management at nova since 2005, in 2013 he became head of the Department Communications. He is charge of staff planning, public relations, web content, speaker support and realization of conferences in general. Another focus of his work are dissemination activities within international EU projects.
Dominik Vogt and his team are organizing the annual nova conferences on Bio-based Materials (www.bio-based.eu/conference), Carbon Capture and Utilization (www.co2-chemistry.eu) and of course the upcoming conference of the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) (www.eiha-conference.org). He is also responsible for the bi-annual conference on Wood-Plastic Composites (WPC) and Natural Fibre Composites (NFC) as well as countless workshops and smaller events.
Beside leading the department Conferences and Dissemination, Dominik Vogt is executive manager of EIHA and key contact person for all EIHA related issues. As such, he knows a thing or two about industrial hemp and other natural fibres.
Team Conferences & Dissemination:
Vanessa Kleinpeter joined nova-Institute in April 2015, you can find her in the administration office at nova-institute and at all nova conferences. She supports participants and speakers before, during and after the events, is responsible for website content.
Jutta Millich is mainly responsible for dissemination activities as well as partner, media partner and sponsor support.
Publications 2006 – 2016:
- M. Carus, D. Vogt, L. Scholz (2010): “European Hemp Fibres for Diverse Bio-Based Products”; Biowerkstoff-Report.
- D. Vogt, F. Gerlach, M. Carus (2008): “Heimische Naturfasern: Preise-Flächen-Förderung”; Biowerkstoff-Report ( Juni 2008).
- M. Carus, C. Gahle, C. Pendarovski, D. Vogt, S. Ortmann, F. Grotenhermen, T. Breuer, C. Schmidt (2008): “Studie zu Markt- und Konkurrenzsituation bei Naturfasern- und Naturfaser-Werkstoffen (Deutschland und EU)”; Gülzower Fachgespräche (Band 26).
- F. Gerlach, D. Vogt, T. Breuer, M. Carus (2008): “Einsatz von Biokraftstoffen in der Landwirtschaft”; “Erneuerbare Energien – um jeden Preis?”.
- M. Karus, S. Ortmann, D. Vogt (2006): “Naturfasereinsatz in der deutschen Automobilproduktion”; GAK Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe.
- M. Karus, S. Ortmann, D. Vogt, J. Müssig (2006): “Naturfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe – Pflanzen, Rohstoffe, Produkte”; Broschüre, Hrsg.: Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR), Gülzow.
- D. Vogt, M. Karus, S. Ortmann, C. Schmidt, C. Gahle (2006): “Studie Wood-Plastic-Composites – Holz-Kunststoff-Verbundwerkstoffe”; Schriftenreihe “Nachwachsende Rohstoffe” (Band 28).
- D. Vogt, M. Karus, S. Ortmann, C. Schmidt, C. Gahle (2006): “Studie: “Wood-Plastic-Composites (WPC) / Holzfaser-Verbundwerkstoffe – Märkte in Nordamerika, Japan und Europa mit Schwerpunkt auf Deutschland. Technische Eigenschaften, Anwendungsgebiete, Preise, Märkte und Akteure”; nova-Institut (Hrsg.), gefördert von der Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR).
nova-Institut GmbH, 2016-04-26.
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