Kuok Oils and Grains Pte, the Singapore-based vegetable oil processor, plans to spend about USD 30 million to build a palm oil refinery in Rotterdam port. The refinery will process about 300,000 cubic meters of crude palm oil a year. Koole Tankstorage Pernis will handle the storage and loading of the palm oil.
The 4 refineries in the area (Kuok Oils & Grains, Cargill Inc, Golden Hope Plantations Bhd’s Unimills, and a plant under contruction by IOI Corp’s Loders Croklaan unit) will have total capacity to process 2 million tons of edible oils, mainly palm oil. Rotterdam port handles half of the EU’s imports of the vegetable oil, used in cookies, soups and margarine.
www.oleoline.com vom 2004-05-10.
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