How to communicate the bioeconomy: 10 insights from the BioCannDo project

New brochure discussing experiences and advices with descriptive and practical examples

csm_News_2019-25_Bio_Cann_Do_Broschüre_56ca3010b2This question has been part of the BioCannDo project throughout its entire duration. One result of our consideration is our new booklet “The BioCannDo experience: Let’s talk about bio-based products”. This publication presents and discusses 10 insights about consumer communication including issues like:

What are the most important topics to be communicated about bio-based products?  Which online formats were successful? What are the advantages and disadvantages of certain formats? How can advertising campaigns help disseminating project results? How can consumers be involved? What educational formats work?

Of course, we cannot present a blueprint of a communication strategy that fits all projects. Prerequisites, means and objectives of initiatives across Europe are too different for a one-size-fits-all model. Rather, we want to share our experiences in order to provide suggestions and food for thought for future projects and initiatives that face the challenge of communicating the bioeconomy.

More in-depth recommendations will be made available on www.AllThings.Bio when the project ends.


AllThings.Bio, 2019-06-13.


Bio-based Industries (BBI) Joint Undertaking


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