Electrochaea has completed the engineering for the first standardized 10 MWe biomethanation plant designed for commercial operation. A 10 MWe plant can produce several million cubic meters of renewable synthetic methane per year that replaces any use of fossil natural gas.
Electrochaea offers a proven, safe, and efficient solution to green the energy system while storing renewable energy in the form of renewable methane. With the completion of the standardized design for a 10 MWe plant, Electrochaea’s multi-patented technology is ready for worldwide commercial development.
Alternative to natural gas and conventional fuels
The climate-neutral, synthetic gas offers many advantages as a replacement for fossil natural gas. Unlike renewable hydrogen, renewable methane can be stored and distributed within the existing gas infrastructure without any additional expenditures. Synthetic methane produced in Electrochaea’s plants, using the power-to-gas process, can store renewable electricity for a later season preventing the curtailment and wasting of renewable resources. Just like natural gas, synthetic methane can be used for transportation, home heating and industrial processes.
“Electrochaea’s standardized design can be used at any location with any source of CO2 and hydrogen to produce renewable synthetic methane. The many solutions our plants provide to fight climate change, make this an attractive technology for companies, utilities and municipalities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and provide an additional source of renewable energy to their customers,” says Dr. Doris Hafenbradl, CTO and Managing Director at Electrochaea.
European Innovation Council, energy companies and municipalities rely on Electrochaea’s technology
The upscaling and standardization of the commercial plant design was completed under the Accelerator Program of the European Innovation Council (EIC) from which Electrochaea received an EU grant of €2.49 million and an equity investment of €14.98 million. The energy technology
company Baker Hughes and the Engie subsidiary Storengy are among Electrochaea’s strategic investors.
The Bavarian city of Pfaffenhofen plans to implement Electrochaea’s technology next year to achieve energy self-sufficiency while using only renewable energy sources. Surplus power from wind and solar will be stored as renewable methane to be used to supply heat when
the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 10101027
About Electrochaea
Electrochaea offers a technology to produce synthetic methane, a renewable fuel that replaces fossil natural gas and can be stored and transported in the existing gas grid. Electrochaea’s patented process helps combat climate change by using CO2 to produce a renewable energy carrier, providing a solution for long-term storage of intermittent renewable energy. The company plans to deploy its technology with partners to produce more than 15 billion cubic feet of renewable synthetic methane gas annually by 2025. Industrial-scale pilot plants have already been commissioned in the U.S., Switzerland and Denmark. Electrochaea is headquartered in Munich, Germany, with offices in Denmark and the United States.
Electrochaea, press release, 2022-10-04.
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