Dr. rer. nat. Asta Partanen is one of the leading market experts on biocomposites in Europe, especially on Wood-Plastic Composites. Dr. Partanendid her PhD research on market opportunities of innovative wood composites (WPC and Thermowood) in the German-speaking area. She has been conducting market research and consulting for the development of new biocomposites and their applications and market launch for the last 15 years – for several years through her consulting company “Asta Eder Composites Consulting” located in Vienna (Austria) and since 2013 in the nova-Institute department “Technology & Markets”. At nova-Institute, Dr. Partanen also works in the field of standardisation, certification and labelling of bio-based products.
She is the project leader of the upcoming, world’s largest conference “Sixth WPC &NFC Conference Cologne“. Additionally, she leads several customer research and consulting projects on biocomposites.
Other running projects:
- Open-Bio is the follow-up project to another FP7 research project called KBBPPS (Knowledge Based Bio-based Products’ Pre-Standardization) and kicked off in November 2013. It comprises a broader consortium consisting of the KBBPPS group and a number of new partners, bringing in expanded expertise. Open-Bio builds on the results of KBBPPS, refining them and developing further knowledge on implementation of the standardization result in relation to market development. http://www.biobasedeconomy.eu/research/open-bio/
- InnProBio, the Forum for Bio-Based Innovation in Public Procurement, aims to develop a community of public procurement practitioners interested in innovative bio-based products and services. http://innprobio.innovation-procurement.org/home/
- Expert Group for Bio-based Products of European Commission
- Finnish Austrian Economy Forum; Austrian WPC Platform
- Conference Scientific Committee of the Conference Advancement in Fiber-Polymer Composites in Madison (US)
- Scientific Committee of the WPC Conference in France
Selected Publications
- Sijtsema, S., Onwezen, M., Reinders, M. J., Dagevos, H., Eder, A., Meeusen, M.:2015 Consumers’ Perceptions of Bio-based Products – An Exploratory Study in 5 European Countries, Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, in review
- Carus, M., Eder, A., Beckmann, J.: 2014 Industry Report: GreenPremium Prices Along the Value Chain of Biobased Products. In: Industrial Biotechnology, Vol. 10, No. 2, April.
- Carus, M., Eder, A., Dammer, L., Korte, H., Scholz, L., Essel, R., Breitmayer, E. and Barth, M. 2015: Wood-Plastic Composites (WPC) and Natural Fibre Composites (NFC): European and Global Markets 2012 and Future Trends in Automotive and Construction.
- Eder, A., Haider, A. 2011: Marktchancen für Wood Polymer Composites im deutschsprachigen Raum, Holztechnologie, 52(2),44-49, 2011. (in German)
- Weinfurth, S., Eder, A. 2009 Consumer Perceptions of Innovative Wood-Polymer Composite Decking with a Focus on Environmental Aspects,Lenzinger Berichte 87, 168-178, ISSN 0024-0907
- Eder, A. Schwarzbauer, P. 2009: Perception of Austrian Furniture Costumers of Lightweight Materials, International Panel Products Symposium. The Bio Composites Centre, Proceeding of the International Panel Products Symposium 2009; International Panel Products Symposium, Nantes, Sept 16 -17 2008, ISBN: 978-1-84220-118-3
nova-Institut GmbH, 2015-12-01.
Asta Eder Composites Consulting
nova-Institut GmbH
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