Citizens of LIPOR eight Municipalities continue to actively participate in Multi-material and Bio-waste Recycling

Actively participate in recycling and be part of the circular economy! This is the contribution of LIPOR 8 Associated Municipalities citizens

In the 1st half of 2023, LIPOR received around 32 714 tonnes of materials delivered for multi-material recycling* of paper/cardboard, plastic, and glass, from Door-to-Door Selective Collection, the Proximity Collection with conditioned access containers, Ecocontainers and Drop-of Sites, which means a growth of +4% compared to the same period of 2022.

Coming from Selective Collection of Bio-waste** and because of the expansion of Door-to-Door Collection and Proximity projects for food waste and green waste flows, LIPOR received 24 662 tonnes in the same period, which represents an increase of 8% compared to 2022.
These results demonstrate the strong investment and commitment of LIPOR and its Associated Municipalities in maximizing and increasing, in quantity and quality, the materials to be sent for Recycling and Organic Valorisation, with citizen involvement having been crucial.

An excellent result is the decrease in the production of waste by our citizens by -1% compared to the same period in 2022. LIPOR took advantage of its full potential by valuing it at the Energy Recovery Plant, which allowed, in this first half of the year, the export to EDP’s national grid of 79 043 MWh of electricity. It should be noted that landfilling represented only 3% of the waste produced.

LIPOR products – namely Recyclables (paper and cardboard, plastics, glass, and metals), Nutrimais® Organic Compost and exported Electric Energy – had a positive impact on the reduction of emissions into the atmosphere in other economic sectors in the order of 60 082 tCO2e (see Note 1), which is equivalent, in practical terms, to the annual electricity consumption of 6.909 families.

LIPOR Project provides a Waste Management System with internationally excellent environmental parameters, focusing on prevention, reuse, recycling, energy recovery and investment in increasingly modern systems and infrastructures for waste treatment and the consequent elimination of Landfills.


*Multi-material recycling of paper/cardboard, plastic, and glass: Paper and Cardboard + Glass + Plastic and Metal Packaging + Styrofoam + Scraps + Caps
**Biowaste: Green Waste + Cemeteries Green Waste + Food Waste

Note 1: Indirect impact (avoided emissions) of Lipor products that contribute to the replacement of more carbon-intensive activities: 1) Use of recyclables in economic activities (which avoid the production of virgin industrial materials); 2) Application of Nutrimais® compost (which replaces the production of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers) and 3) Electricity production using fossil fuels.


LIPOR, press release, 2023-08-01.


LIPOR Internacional


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