Including a presentation from NNFCC’s Executive Lead Consultant for Biobased products, Dr Adrian Higson, the event was designed specifically to deliver the latest knowledge about biorefining, an issue currently high on the European policy agenda.
The School’s concept was originally created by three world-class research centers: Wageningen University in the Netherlands, INRA in France (both Climate-KIC partners) and the National University of Athens, Greece.
Biorefining technologies are expected to form the basis of the so-called bioeconomy transition, an issue with increasing relevance due to climate change and resource depletion. Bioeconomy is the transition towards an optimal use of renewable biological resources, towards sustainable primary production and processing systems that can produce more food, fiber and other bio-based products with fewer inputs, less environmental impact and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The following video from the European Commission provides a short overview of what the bioeconomy is:
Reflecting the increasing European attention on the bioeconomy, the agenda of this year’s Training School included many renowned speakers from academia and business alike and covered the latest developments in biorefining.
The topic attracted more than 70 participants to the school, from 10 countries and different backgrounds. Students and industry leaders could not only participate in lessons on biorefining technologies but also had a chance to discuss policy barriers and business opportunities – the panel discussion organized at the end of the first day with the title “Innovation, enterprise, biorefining” was a prime example of such important debates. A recording of the discussion is available at – we invite you to watch and share it with everyone who might be interested in the topic.
After four days packed full of lectures, small group sessions, site visits (including a brewery, probably the most exciting of all biorefineries after a long day) and coffee break networking, participants and speakers alike left Budapest with new ideas and inspiration for their daily work. We hope to welcome many of the students again at Climate-KIC education programmes and to see some innovation projects resulting from the fruitful discussions.
For more information on the agenda, sponsors, site visit locations and photos please visit
The 3rd Biorefining Training School was organized with support from Climate-KIC and sponsored by Novozymes and Pannonia Ethanol.
NNFCC, press release, 2014-07-28.
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
National University of Athens
Pannonia Ethanol
Wageningen University
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