An organisation called Biovalue in Holland has announced that it plans to build a 60,000 mt biodiesel plant using various raw materials from the agricultural sector. They claim the process allows direct competition with diesel fuel prices. Details are sketchy other than the investment costs are massive at 40 mil EUROS, and the size of the plant at 5 hectares is very large. This leads to an assumption that this project could be based on some type of fermentation process.
Less likely seems to be Biovalue’s plan to re-use the glycerine arising from the process as a further raw material for the process.
In any event a biodiesel process that does not produce excess glycerine, and more importantly can compete with diesel fuel without requiring the considerable tax subsidies currently provided by EU member states, would probably doubt generate substantial (negative) interest from the industry and the authorities.
Source vom 2004-05-04.
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