bioplastics MAGAZINE is the global number-one trade magazine dedicated to “Renewable Carbon Plastics”. Since its founding in 2006 bioplastics MAGAZINE has first focused exclusively on bioplastics, i.e. plastics from renewable resources and/or biodegradable plastics. In early 2021 bioplastics MAGAZINE opened up the editorial focus to include topics of CCU (Carbon Capture & Utilisation) and Advanced Recycling in the context of plastic materials.
Well-established in this industry, bioplastics MAGAZINE (including the web-based daily news and the smartphone/tablet app) is a unique platform for Renewable Carbon Plastics related information worldwide and is read by decision-makers in all parts of the industry. From raw material suppliers and compounders to machine and mould makers, converters, brand owners, the complete distribution chain (wholesale and retail) as well as lobbyists, scientists, and politicians – bioplastics MAGAZINE is an independent and neutral source of information for all.
bioplastics MAGAZINE has an average print run of about 3,000, however, the online version has about four times the readership with an average of 12,000 readers per issue since the online flipbook has been easily available since the beginning of the pandemic. bioplastics MAGAZINE has experienced constant, and very positive, feedback from its readers for more than 17 years now and has continuously worked on improving the quality and reach of the publication, which currently reaches readers in more than 100 countries all around the globe. bioplastics MAGAZINE is complemented by basic books (now in five languages) and high-class conferences including the PLA World Congress, the PHA platform World Congress as well as the Bioplastics Business Breakfasts and bio!TOY (published and organized by Polymedia Publisher). Since January 2023, bioplastics MAGAZINE is partner of the Renewable Carbon Initiative.
As the focus of the magazine has broadened in recent years bioplastics MAGAZINE will soon rebrand under the new name “Renewable Carbon Plastics” to properly reflect these changes.
Michael Thielen (bioplastics MAGAZINE)
Renewable Plastics, press release, 2023-01.
bioplastics MAGAZINE (Zeitschrift)
Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)
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