The huge quantity of pits discarded by the Mexican avocado food product industry is about to become one of the latest feedstocks for bioplastics. The Mexican company Biofase has developed a 100 percent biodegradable, compostable polymer made from avocado pits and is offering the polymer for use as either resins or additives.
We’ve discussed other bioplastics and biofuels that use agricultural-industrial waste as feedstocks. The latest one means companies making avocado products in Mexico will no longer need to pay third parties to haul away the pits. Scott Munguia, co-founder of Biofase, told that the Mexican avocado industry discards 30,000 metric tons of pits each month.
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Tags: monomer, Biocom, Bioblend, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, cellulose polymers, plastic bags
DesignNews, 2013-01-18.
Tecnologico de Monterrey
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