AIMPLAS maintains its leading position in plastic materials testing by obtaining TÜV AUSTRIA certification

Technology centre at the forefront of accredited tests for plastic materials in Europe


TÜV AUSTRIA, an independent certification body in the bioplastics market, has recognised the laboratories of AIMPLAS. The tests carried out in these laboratories will enable companies to obtain the OK Compost INDUSTRIAL, OK Compost HOME, OK BIODEGRADABLE SOIL and SEEDLING labels.

The laboratories of AIMPLAS had already increased the extent of their accreditations in a significant way in 2017 when they obtained the ENAC accreditation for biodegradation under composting conditions and in soil tests, as well as disintegration tests. This placed the technology centre at the forefront of accredited tests for plastic materials in Europe.

TÜV AUSTRIA’s environment product verification marks (formerly Vinçotte) offer a customized certification label for each biodegradation environment and they have a wide international recognition by final consumers, who appreciate and identify as a certified product those including these labels.

In this way, the packages or products with the OK Compost INDUSTRIAL label ensure that all their components, inks and additives are biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. The OK Compost HOME certification ensures the biodegradability in home compost, at a lower temperature than industrial composting, while the OK Biodegradable SOIL label ensures that a product is biodegradable in soil. The Seedling logo, authorised by European Bioplastics, identifies products in compliance with EN 13432 as compostable. Obtaining these labels includes ecotoxicity tests to assess compost quality and to ensure that there are no adverse effects on the environment.


AIMPLAS, press release, 2019-02-11.


AIMPLAS (Asociación de Investigación de Materiales Plásticos y Conexas)
European Bioplastics e.V.
OK compost Vinçotte


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