First Solar-Powered Ferry Constructed with Natural Fibre Composites is Launched on Adriatic Sea

This ferry, with a capacity of 100 passengers, is a pioneering waterborne mass transportation vessel, which uses natural fibre composites for interior parts to significantly reducing CO₂ emissions

© Bcomp

Bcomp is very pleased to announce that an eco-catamaran partially built with Bcomp’s flax-fibre composite ampliTex™ has begun ferrying passengers around the Port of Rovinj in the Adriatic Sea this summer. The first of its kind, the solar-powered PROeco vessel is the result of a two-and-a-half-year collaboration between Bcomp and Croatia-based marine manufacturer Marservis.

Bcomp’s high-performance bio-composite material was used in the construction of almost all non-structural and semi-structural components of the vessel, including the bulkheads, seats, ceiling and side linings — and some parts of the floor. These parts were manufactured by combining ampliTex™ laminate with infusion bio-based epoxy resin through vacuum infusion and a resin transfer molding process.

“By combining renewable energy with natural fibre composites, this vessel represents the advent of a completely new stage in eco-friendly mass mobility on waterways,” said Paolo Dassi, Marine & Industry Manager of Bcomp. “Not only does it reduce energy demands and emissions related to manufacturing, but it also allows for a substantial reduction in impacts throughout the vessel’s operational life.”

With capacity for 100 passengers and two crew, the PROeco is being used on short, defined routes for more than ten hours daily. The use of electric motors has resulted in a savings of 770 kg of harmful diesel emissions each day. The innovative bio-based material used in place of standard glass, polyester and vinylester has also reduced emissions related to the manufacture of those fossil fuel-derived materials and offers enhanced end-of-life options.

© Bcomp

Test panels of the bio-composite material were subjected to mechanical property tests in cooperation with the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Building. The ampliTex™ material is also being used by Marservis for the Aquapod+, an autonomous device used to collect floating waste from ports, and the ECOcube, an autonomous floating reception station for solid and liquid wastes from vessels.

“The cooperation from Bcomp was excellent, and the new owners are very satisfied with the PROeco’s performance,” says Luciano Beg, CEO, for Marservis. “We are already fielding inquiries from other companies in the EU about these PROeco catamarans “.


Bcomp, press release, 2024-09-18.


Bcomp Ltd.
University of Zagreb


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