Why are biobased and biodegradable plastic not part of the solution to reduce plastic waste?

Checking the facts!

This report has been prepared to provide simple assistance to CAP SEA partner organisations in their work. Science-based background knowledge on biobased and biodegradable plastic shall enable the partners to avoid regrettable substitution of single-use products. For instance, replacement of single-use plastic items with biobased or biodegradable variations should be avoided.

This paper aims to raise awareness for the need to consider the trade-offs in this context. Furthermore, it is to anticipate consequences of material decisions in terms of environmental impacts and end-of-life treatment.


Löw, C. | Prakash, S. | Stuber-Rousselle, K.

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 11 / 2021
Sprache: englisch

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Öko-Institute, press release, 2021-11.


Öko-Institut e.V.


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