On June 30th we had our Bio-plastics Europe and Glaukos project workshop “????????????????????????-???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????????” within the EuBioNet and the EBRN network. We collected 235 registrations, a lot of positive and enthusiastic feedback and a lot of interest, which allow us to finally engage more than 120 participants proactively contributing in the different thematic sessions and policy makers to further explore this topic.

After an opening presentation on the expected outcomes and objectives of the workshop, we had the pleasure to host an intervention from policy officer Silvia MALTAGLIATI, DG RTD, who gave an overview on the EC expectations with regards to marine-friendly biopolymers.
Participants offered many insightful inputs in an open discussion using MIRO board interactive tool and structured around the following topics: Definition of marine friendly biopolymer, programmed biodegradation, ecotoxicity and overall risk assessment, standardisation and labelling of marine-friendly biopolymers and EU projects recommendations for future policies on marine-friendly biopolymers.
The objective was to define the characteristics that marine-friendly biopolymers should have to become a potential solution to prevent and eliminate pollution in the oceans and waters, responding to EU Mission Ocean’s objectives. This is just the kick-off of a wider and urgently needed debate. We hope this workshop could stimulate EU-funded projects, researchers, stakeholders and policy makers to further explore this topic.
Bioplastics Europe, press release, 2023-07-03.
European Commission
Horizon 2020
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