1888 Mills and Cotton made in Africa Conclude New Partnership at “Heimtextil” in Frankfurt

Sustainability for Home and Hospitality Textiles

1888MillsOn the occasion of Heimtextil fair in Frankfurt/Germany 1888 Mills, a leading US manufacturer of home and hospitality textiles and Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) announce their partnership. By cooperating with CmiA, 1888 Mills’ home and commercial textiles now also contribute to protecting the environment and to supporting the small-scale cotton farmers.

“CmiA, offers a great opportunity to align our business and sustainability initiatives. Our customers appreciate the outstanding craftsmanship and design of our products and with CmiA we can offer even more. A luxurious product made from high quality cotton that is produced in an ecologically and socially sustainable way. This partnership is directly in line with 1888 Mills’ sustainability strategy. It is important for us and other global manufacturers for home and hospitality, gathered here in Frankfurt, to continue to support more sustainable ways of textile production,” says Jonathan Simon, CEO of 1888 Mills

Cotton made in Africa’s smallholder cotton farmers profit from fair working conditions, agricultural trainings as well as farmer business schools and are thus enabled to improve the livelihoods of their families by their own efforts. Currently, CmiA supports more than 700,000 smallholder cotton farmers in 10 African countries and works with 30 international brands and retailers.


About Cotton made in Africa

Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) is an initiative of the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) which helps people to help themselves through trade in order to improve the living conditions of cotton farmers and their families in sub-Saharan Africa. Smallholders from Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe are currently participating in CmiA. Training courses teach the cotton farmers modern, efficient and environmentally-friendly cultivation methods which help them to improve the quality of their cotton, generate higher yields and therefore earn a better income for them and their families.

About 1888 Mills

1888 Mills®, LLC is a global manufacturer of home and commercial textiles catering to the retail, hospitality and healthcare markets worldwide.
As a pioneer in global towel manufacturing, 1888 Mills operates facilities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and the United States. Today, 1888 Mills has emerged as a leader in home and commercial manufacturing for bath, bedding, kitchen, window and commercial apparel. 1888 Mills’ Brand Purpose “Weaving a Better World™” is designed to drive innovation within the global marketplace by carrying out initiatives that promote environmental stewardship and contribute to the reduction of poverty. This is our commitment to our stakeholders as well as the economic regions where we operate.


Cotton Made in Africa, press release, 2016-01-13.


1888 Mills, LLC
Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF)
Cotton Made in Africa (CmiA)
Heimtextil (Messe Frankfurt)


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