19 July 202214 July 2022 Bio-based superabsorbents on the sanitary products market Start-ups are innovating with new materials for the growing biobased superabsorbents market
22 March 201919 March 2019 Turning algae into fuel University of Utah engineers develop fast method to convert algae to biocrude
Durchbruch bei Biodiesel aus Algen erzielt US-Wissenschaftler der University of Utah haben nun wirtschaftliches Verfahren entwickelt
16 March 201814 March 2018 Bio concrete and other construction materials from local resources Development of innovative kinds of concrete is needed, but with up to 93% lower CO2
12 February 20188 February 2018 Innovative concrete: we need it badly, it’s there, we don’t use it There are several promising trials to turn the cement paths towards sustainability - but to bring it to the market is failing at several obstacles
22 May 201719 May 2017 A better sustainable sanitary pad University of Utah engineers develop world’s first 100-percent biodegradable, yet comfortable, maxi pad