4 May 20182 May 2018 Solution to plastic pollution on the horizon Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottle
18 April 201817 April 2018 Engineering a unique plastic-degrading enzyme Solution to plastic pollution on the horizon: Newly evolved enzyme could be the key to tackling the worldwide problem of plastic waste
Jet fuels from crops: The Digest’s 2018 Multi-Slide Guide to the SPARC regional biojet consortium SPARC’s Sheeja George gave this illuminating overview of the consortium’s promise and progress at ABLC 2018 in Washington DC
6 July 201729 June 2017 Capturing CO2: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Algae-based CO2 sequestration A selection of key slides on Carbon Capture and Sequestion with relation to algae-based technologies
25 August 201623 August 2016 Fungi recycle rechargeable lithium-ion batteries University of South Florida researchers found three strains of fungi to be effective at extracting metals from other types of waste products
Diese Pilze könnten bald Akkus von Smartphones und E-Cars recyclen Forscher der Universität South Florida haben entdeckt, dass drei spezielle Pilzarten Metalle aus Chemikalien extrahieren können