17 July 201716 July 2017 New Life for INEOS Bio plant: Alliance Bio-Products wins US OK for cellulosic ethanol re-fit The INEOS Bio technology featured syngas fermentation based on work originally developed near Fayetteville, Arkansas in the 1990s and 2000s
29 June 201727 June 2017 This Startup Wants To Turn America’s Yard Waste Into A Petroleum Substitute Alliance Bio-Products plans to open a new plant that will turn yard waste into a replacement for petroleum
3 May 20179 September 2021 UCF Professor Invents Way to Trigger Artificial Photosynthesis to Clean Air, Produce Energy
20 August 201518 August 2015 Researcher Uses Vibrations to Identify Materials’ Composition A team of researcher has developed a new method for identifying materials’ unique chemical “fingerprints” and mapping their chemical properties at a much higher spatial resolution than ever before
7 July 2012 Orange You Glad I Said Biofuel? Cellulose in shells of citrus peels - an optimal source for bio-ethanol
22 February 2010 Orange peels, newspapers may lead to cheaper, Cleaner Ethanol Fuel University of Central Florida: Plant-derived enzyme cocktails help to convert sugar into ethanol