6 October 20224 October 2022 Texas A&M AgriLife designs system to create bioplastics Method could reduce nondegradable plastics and greenhouse gas emissions
5 March 20193 March 2019 Research uncovers potential sustainable refining method for lignin Sustainable biorefinery heavily depends on the generation of value-added products, particularly from lignin
18 July 201811 August 2020 Taming the Tasmanian Devil of Polymers: lignin, the orneriest, roughest, toughest, most un-cooperative and abundant natural polymer ever Lignin, the second most abundant natural polymer in the world, has developed into a sustainable and very satisfactory alternative to fossil fuels
11 May 20189 May 2018 Arizona researchers find biobased solution for safer melons Scientists using essential oils, plant-based extracts, and spice powers to reduce or eradicate harmful, foodborne bacteria
7 July 20175 July 2017 Tasty Energy Treats You Can Make From Brownies Hydrocarbon oils from Botryococcus braunii algae to be researched as a renewable fuel source
26 May 201723 May 2017 Mountains of waste could lead to new U.S. manufacturing, jobs Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists success in making fuel and bioproducts from lignin
27 July 201626 July 2016 Energy department grants $2.5M for biorefinery waste use, renewable bioproduct study Three-year study to focus on ways to make plastic materials from lignin waste
1 July 201529 June 2015 DOE’s ARPA-E funds 6 projects to improve sorghum development The U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency has awarded $30 million to six projects under its Transportation Energy Resources from Renewable Agriculture program
4 March 2013 Promiscuous enzymes may be recruited to aid industry, medical fields AgriLife researchers hope to learn more about "structural and catalytic properties" of proteins
17 January 2013 Texas researcher looks into biodiesel production from lignin Scientist's team project was recently awarded $2.4 million by the U.S. DOE
3 January 2013 Energy Department Awards $10 Million to Develop Advanced Biofuels and Bio-based Products Financial support for five projects with innovative synthetic chemical and biological technologies for converting biomass into sugar