15 January 201614 January 2016 BA waste-to-jet fuel project fails to take off Partnership with Solena Fuels has ended, lack of policy support
23 October 201521 October 2015 The airlines: who’s doing what in aviation biofuels? Who’s a Major Player, who’s a Pioneer, who’s committed, who’s monitoring the space as a stakeholder? We look at 45 airlines and their efforts in bringing low-carbon fuels to the marketplace
1 June 201529 May 2015 Cellulosic biofuels and perceptions of readiness, viability Readers rate 27 different cellulosic biofuels technologies on perceptions of commercial readiness, viability, reasons for skepticism, and levels of confidence and awareness
4 June 20143 June 2014 Luftfahrtmesse ILA: Abheben mit Biokerosin Deutlicher Trend zur Effizienzsteigerung und Forschung mit alternativen Treibstoffen sichtbar