2 August 202331 July 2023 100% Bio-Klebstoff für die Industrie – Umweltfreundliche Entwicklung durch ecoplus Kooperationsprojekt Ziel des F&E-Projekts BioSet war es, einen Prozess zu entwickeln, um aus Kartoffel-, Mais- oder auch Weizenstärke biobasierte, umweltfreundliche Klebstoffe für den industriellen Einsatz zu erzeugen
7 February 20236 February 2023 Only three weeks left – submit your Innovative Product now: The Innovation Award “Renewable Material of the Year 2023 For the third time, a comprehensive award will be presented for the best renewable materials – which can be produced either from biomass, directly via CO₂ utilisation, or recycling
10 January 20236 February 2023 Submit Your Innovative Product now: The Innovation Award “Renewable Material of the Year 2023 For the third time, a comprehensive award will be presented for the best renewable materials – which can be produced either from biomass, directly via CO₂ utilisation, or recycling
2 December 202229 November 2022 Paper versus plastic: Ceresana examines the European flexible packaging market For the second time Ceresana has studied the European market for flexible packaging made of plastics, paper and aluminum
Papier gegen Plastik: Ceresana untersucht den europäischen Markt für flexible Verpackungen Ceresana hat bereits zum zweiten Mal den europäischen Markt für flexible Verpackungen aus Kunststoffen, Papier und Aluminium untersucht
24 November 202119 November 2021 Positive Plastics launches first sample kit featuring sustainable plastics Positive Plastics will present a complimentary kit to one hundred brands and design agencies to encourage an informed choice of materials and sensible implementation. Kits will be available for purchase online
10 December 20195 December 2019 Kotkamills participates in 4evergreen alliance to boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular economy Common goal is to deliver a holistic approach to optimise the sustainability and circularity of the fibre-based packaging’s life cycle
28 November 201927 November 2019 Sappi joins Cepi in the 4evergreen alliance to boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular economy Aims of the new alliance are to increase awareness about the benefits of fibre-based packaging materials and call for the development of optimised collection systems
31 January 201928 January 2019 Forest-based biomass industry: Where are we today and where are going tomorrow? 8th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference took place on 23-25 October and was hosted by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
3 April 201730 March 2017 Sappi Biotech partners with CellMark to increase global sales reach of Sappi’s Hansa lignin products Partnership aiming to include a joint social investment initiative to benefit rural communities in South Africa
30 January 20171 February 2017 SuperBIO developed its first new and innovative value chains! The news cross-boarder and cross-sectional industrial value chains: paper pulp, citrus peel and crab waste
18 November 201618 November 2016 Who’s got hot lignin? The Digest’s 2016 Guide to lignin production and prospects Compendium of suppliers to produce and sell cellulosic sugar and/or lignin for use by the research community
9 April 20157 April 2015 Papier gegen Biomasse: Der Kampf ums Holz eskaliert Aus Angst vor Holzknappheit greift die Papierindustrie zu allen Mitteln: Sie wollte der Biomasse-Konkurrenz den Baugrund wegkaufen.
18 March 201517 March 2015 Sappi to locate ground-breaking nanocellulose pilot plant at Brightlands Chemelot Campus in the Netherlands Company to proceed with a pilot-scale plant for low-cost Cellulose NanoFibrils production
19 December 201418 December 2014 Sappi and Edinburgh Napier University discover new low-cost process to make nanocellulose Sappi will be able to produce the lightweight material on a commercially viable basis
7 May 20145 May 2014 BASF presents innovations at interpack 2014 Broad product range for the packaging industry
16 November 2011 Joint Approach Towards An Innovative Sustainable Packaging Solution Innovia bundling forces with Sappi to demonstrate compostable laminates