30 January 202528 January 2025 New findings show recycling using Plastic Energy’s technology could provide up to 89% emission savings New findings show recycling using Plastic Energy’s technology could provide up to 89% emission savings
21 September 202321 September 2023 A Broad Range of Advanced Recycling Technologies Keeps Carbon in the Loop Register now: The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023, November 28-29, 2023 in Cologne, Germany and online
Advanced Recycling Technologies – Neue Recycling-Methoden halten Kohlenstoff im Kreislauf Jetzt anmelden: Die Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 vom 28.-29. November 2023 in Köln und online
13 December 20227 December 2022 ExxonMobil, PT Indomobil Prima Energi, And Plastic Energy Collaborate To Accelerate Plastic Recycling In Indonesia The advanced recycling capacity being assessed as a part of the collaboration is expected to be 100,000 metric tons per year, with the first phase starting up in 2025
ExxonMobil + IPE + Plastic Energy: Kunststoffrecycling in Indonesien in Planung Der US-Konzern ExxonMobil plant in Indonesien gemeinsam mit dem lokalen Partner Indomobil Prima Energi (IPE) und dem britischen Technologieunternehmen Plastic Energy die Gewinnung von Rohstoffen für neuwertige Polymere durch das Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen
2 December 202230 November 2022 Electrochaea tritt der neuen europäischen Cleantech Scale-Up-Koalition bei, die von Breakthrough Energy und Kadri Simson unterstützt wird Die Mitglieder der Koalition sind Unternehmen, die Technologien skalieren und industrialisieren, deren Produkte und Dienstleistungen von der Dekarbonisierung von Industrie und Energie mit erneuerbarem Wasserstoff bis zur Herstellung von skalierbarem kohlenstoffarmem Zement, von der Elektrifizierung des Verkehrs bis zum Recycling von Materialien und Batterien reichen
21 November 202216 November 2022 Ineos + Plastic Energy: Kunststoffrecycling am Ineos-Standort in Köln in Planung Beide Unternehmen planen den Aufbau von Kapazitäten für die Herstellung von 100.000 Tonnen recycelter Rohstoffe im Jahr
15 November 202210 November 2022 INEOS signs agreement with Plastic Energy for its largest plant to produce 100,000 tonnes of raw materials from plastic waste The recycled material has already been successfully converted into virgin-quality polymer through the INEOS cracker at Köln, Germany, and used by selected customers and brands
26 October 202225 October 2022 Mehr als nur chemisches Recycling – Advanced Recycling verbessert die Synergien im Recyclingsektor Die jüngsten Entwicklungen auf den Märkten und in der Politik deuten einen klaren Wandel und eine dauerhafte Veränderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft für Kunststoffe an
7 September 20227 September 2022 Together we drive the evolution of the circular economy for plastics First 10 speakers from leading and emerging companies confirmed – be part of the solution and submit your abstract by 30 September
Gemeinsam treiben wir die Entwicklung der Kreislaufwirtschaft der Kunststoffe voran Die ersten 10 Referenten führender und aufstrebender Unternehmen sind bestätigt – seien Sie Teil der Lösung und reichen Sie Ihr Abstract bis zum 30. September ein
31 August 202224 August 2022 Eine ganzheitliche Lösung für das Kunststoffrecycling Circular Resources Sàrl übernimmt den Grünen Punkt, um die erste integrierte Lösung aus mechanischem und chemischem Recycling im industriellen Maßstab für Kunststoffverpackungen zu schaffen
Holistic solution for the recycling of plastics Circular Resources acquires Germany’s Green Dot to create the industry’s first integrated mechanical and chemical recycling solution for plastic packaging waste
29 June 202222 June 2022 Chemical recycling: Towards a circular economy For most polymers the only possible approach is to break down the polymer chain through pyrolysis, which releases either monomers, such as ethylene, or light hydrocarbons like naphtha, to remake the polymers
24 June 202220 June 2022 Heinz and Tesco partner with Plastic Energy, SABIC, and Berry Global to launch sustainable packaging innovation made with post-consumer recycled soft plastics The 39% recycled plastic they contain was validated using the “mass balance approach” endorsed by ISCC, which makes it possible to track the amount and sustainability characteristics of materials
28 January 202222 January 2022 TotalEnergies + Plastic Energy: Ausbau der Kooperation – Neue Kunststoffrecyclinganlage in Spanien in Planung Aus bislang nicht recycelbaren Kunststoffabfällen soll das Rohmaterial "Tacoil" gewonnen werden, das zur Weiterverarbeitung in neuwertige Kunststoffe vorgesehen ist
19 January 202214 January 2022 Plastic Energy and TotalEnergies sign an Agreement for an Advanced Recycling Project in Spain New plant to transform end-of-life plastic waste into a recycled feedstock called TACOIL which TotalEnergies will convert into virgin-quality polymers, to be used for food-grade packaging
14 January 20228 January 2022 INEOS and Petroineos at Grangemouth partner with Plastic Energy in an important breakthrough in the recycling of plastic All partners coming together for a preliminary trial and the evolution of the policy environment in the UK will inform the development of a large-scale advanced recycling plant, which aims to be the first of its kind in the UK
10 November 20215 November 2021 TotalEnergies: Errichtung einer Kunststoffrecyclinganlage in Texas in Planung – Kooperation mit Plastic Energy und Freepoint Eco-Systems Vorgesehen ist der Bau einer Anlage mit Kapazitäten für das Recycling von etwa 33.000 Tonnen Kunststoffabfall im Jahr - sie soll 2024 fertiggestellt sein
Plastic Energy, Freepoint Eco-Systems and TotalEnergies partner on Advanced Recycling Project in the U.S. New plant is expected to become operational by mid-2024 and will process and convert yearly 33,000 tons of post-consumer end-of-life plastic waste
10 August 20219 September 2021 TotalEnergies and Jindal Films reinforce their partnership to introduce Certified Circular Polypropylene into high-end flexible food packaging, using advanced recycling technology New value-chain collaboration will divert plastic waste currently destined for incineration and landfill because it is too complex to recycle through existing schemes
21 May 202125 November 2021 The world’s first ‘infinite’ plastic The way we normally recycle plastics is a downward spiral of waste and degraded materials, but there is another option – turning plastic back into the oil it was made from
1 March 20219 September 2021 Tetra Pak introduces certified recycled polymers First company in the food and beverage packaging industry to be awarded the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) Advanced Products certification
27 January 20219 September 2021 SABIC and Plastic Energy set to start construction of pioneering advanced recycling unit to increase production of certified circular polymers Project demonstrates Plastic Energy and SABIC’s ongoing commitment to drive towards a circular economy for plastics by increasing the availability of more sustainable products
19 January 202113 April 2022 Chemical Recycling Poised to Take Off Investments in chemical-recycling facilities abound as the industry moves closer to the Circular Economy model, accompanied by plenty of new rollouts of packaging made from chemical recycling
26 November 20209 September 2021 Nestle partners with Plastic Energy in first steps for recycling facility in the UK Nestlé and Plastic Energy will come together to explore the scope for the first-commercial large-scale facility of its kind in the UK
28 October 202023 October 2020 Total and Plastic Energy announce a strategic partnership and the construction of the first chemical recycling plant in France This first project in France represents the start of the collaboration between Total and Plastic Energy to deploy chemical recycling
Total: Kooperation mit Plastic Energy Erstes Projekt dieser Art in Frankreich soll der Start einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen Total und Plastic Energy werden, um das Chemische Recycling voranzubringen
13 October 20209 September 2021 Tesco introduces the first recycled food grade soft plastic packaging from materials returned by customers Recent trial demonstrates for the first time that soft plastic can be continuously recycled into safe food-grade packaging
7 October 20209 September 2021 Total: Komplette Neuausrichtung der Raffinerie in Grandpuits Konzern avisiert neue Rohöl-freie Plattform mit vier Industriezweigen, um mittels eigener Zugeständnisse zur Energiewende ein Carbon-neutrales Europa bis 2050 zu erreichen
3 September 20209 September 2021 #Trending: Chemical recycling of plastics – the missing link in the puzzle to enhance plastics circularity Collection & sorting of plastics waste is quite far from being at the required level and the recycled grades often don’t stand a chance against their low-cost virgin counterparts
19 August 20209 September 2021 Sealed Air Invests in Advanced Recycling Company Plastic Energy Collaboration Will Spearhead Technology Advancements to Enhance Circularity of Plastics Tuesday
8 May 202031 December 2020 INEOS and PLASTIC ENERGY to collaborate on new advanced plastic recycling facility Advanced recycling takes waste plastic and re-makes this into new high-quality polymer, replacing raw materials derived from oil-based products
INEOS und PLASTIC ENERGY planen gemeinsamen Bau einer neuen Anlage für modernes Kunststoffrecycling Bei diesem fortschrittlichen Recycling werden Kunststoffabfälle in neue hochwertige Polymere umgewandelt und damit erdölbasierte Rohstoffe ersetzt