7 February 20255 February 2025 Researchers discover way to store hydrogen using lignin jet fuel An international team of scientists has discovered a way to store and release volatile hydrogen using lignin-based jet fuel that could open new pathways for sustainable energy production
Lignin-Kraftstoff aus landwirtschaftlichen Abfällen: Wasserstoffspeichernder Flugzeugtreibstoff für saubere Energie Ein internationales Wissenschaftlerteam hat einen Weg gefunden, flüchtigen Wasserstoff in einem auf Lignin basierenden Flugzeugtreibstoff zu speichern und wieder freizusetzen
16 May 202410 May 2024 Researchers offer US roadmap to close the carbon cycle The experts from several DOE laboratories present a United States-based perspective for achieving net-zero carbon emissions
4 October 202327 September 2023 Making aviation fuel from biomass MIT researchers are converting the plant material lignin into hydrocarbon molecules that could help make jet fuel 100 percent sustainable
29 August 202324 August 2023 In First Deployment, Ebb Carbon Uses Seawater to Capture & Store CO2 Ebb is working w/ national labs, federal research agencies & academia to further scientific understanding & demonstrate responsible deployment of marine carbon dioxide removal
14 April 202311 April 2023 Multilab Separations Consortium puts biofuel on the path to decarbonization Separations technology critical to converting biomass to low-carbon biofuel
8 February 20237 February 2023 Wissenschaftler stellen das bisher kostengünstigste System zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung vor Neues System fängt CO₂ effizient ab und wandelt es in eine der weltweit meistverwendeten Chemikalien um
31 January 20236 February 2023 Scientists Unveil Least Costly Carbon Capture System to Date PNNL scientists carve a path to profit from carbon capture through carbon upcycling, unlock crucial step in decarbonization and advancing toward net zero emissions
22 July 202218 July 2022 Jim Hurt commentary: Can Gov. Scott and VT Climate Council go around the court’s crazy EPA ruling? The missing ingredient that Gov. Scott and Vermont utilities can bring to the table is a profitable plan for CO2 removal which can be reused to make synthetic fuels and other products
22 June 202215 June 2022 Biobased monopropylene glycol: The bumpy road to a decarbonised world In the mid 2000s a PNNL researchers team discovered a metal catalyst with a soluble base co-catalyst, which converted plant-based, seed-oil-derived glycerol and plant sugar alcohols into MPG
7 June 20224 June 2022 New artificial enzyme breaks down tough lignin Researchers from WSU and PNNL showed that their artificial enzyme succeeded in digesting lignin, which has stubbornly resisted previous attempts to develop it into an economically useful energy source
6 May 20224 May 2022 Lignin-based jet fuel packs more power for less pollution In a study published in the journal Fuel, researchers analyzed a Washington State University-developed jet fuel based on lignin, an organic polymer that makes plants tough and woody
16 November 202112 November 2021 SAS, Vattenfall, Shell and LanzaTech to explore synthetic sustainable aviation fuel production "This initiative shows the potential of cross industry partnerships to drive the decarbonization of a hard-to-abate sector" says Anna Borg
10 November 20217 November 2021 First of a Kind Bagasse to Ethanol Project in India LanzaTech teams with Indian engineers to develop bagasse-based ethanol
20 October 202119 October 2021 US Secretary of Energy Granholm and US Senator Ossoff Visit LanzaTech Innovation Hub in Georgia and Site of the World’s First LanzaJet Sustainable Fuels Plant Visit highlights the potential of rural America to create domestic supplies of sustainable fuels and chemicals
10 September 20219 September 2021 Making Methane from CO2: Carbon Capture Grows More Affordable Methane made from CO2 and renewable hydrogen offers a new path toward cheaper carbon capture
29 June 202124 June 2021 LanzaTech Part of South Wales Industrial Decarbonisation Project Proposed facility will yield around 100 million litres per annum of ATJ Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (ATJ-SPK) to build out the entire supply chain from feedstock to wing
4 March 20219 September 2021 Groundbreaking Research into White-Rot Fungi Proves Its Value in Carbon Sequestration from Lignin The researchers also highlight that this work is just the beginning of a broad area towards discovering new enzymes and pathways and better understanding carbon flux in these organisms
6 October 20209 September 2021 Not Your Average Refinery Review led by PNNL researchers offers a vision of sustainable energy production through electrochemical reduction
18 September 202016 September 2020 A new method for making a key component of plastics Bacteria create ethylene in a tech-friendly way
19 August 202015 August 2020 Danimer Scientific Receives U.S. Department of Energy Grant to Support Bioplastic Production Nearly $5.7 million in support to conduct research and development projects within the biomanufacturing industry
6 August 20203 August 2020 Agile BioFoundry Selects New Projects to Accelerate Biomanufacturing Each of the ABF Directed Funding Opportunity awardees will be invited to collaborate with National Lab research facilities to conduct their proposed research
5 August 20201 August 2020 TechnipFMC’s Hummingbird® Ethylene Technology Selected by LanzaTech for LanzaJet Sustainable Aviation Fuel Biorefinery New, sustainable technologies will be deployed in a LanzaJet first commercial demonstration scale integrated biorefinery to produce 10 million gallons per year of SAF and renewable diesel from sustainable ethanol sources
27 July 202023 July 2020 Tiny Little Shrimp Could Spark Huge Energy Storage Breakthrough Shrimp (May) Be The Key to Energy Storage That Flows
16 June 202012 June 2020 LanzaJet Takes Off! Innovative Sustainable Fuel Technology and Investment Structure to Accelerate Commercialization, Regional Job Growth, and Carbon reduction
DEM-COM: LanzaJet takes off on non-stop flight to scale New LanzaTech spin-off launched with investments from Suncor Energy and Mitsui & Co. about $15 million and $10 million, respectively, to establish the new venture
16 April 20209 April 2020 Lignin Research Yields Additional Answers into Bacteria’s Role Newly published research builds upon previous observations at NREL on the ability of 14 strains of bacteria to break down lignin oligomers and take advantage of those components
Die Lignin-Forschung liefert zusätzliche Antworten auf die Rolle der Bakterien Neu veröffentlichte Forschung nimmt frühere Beobachtungen am NREL auf und berichtet über die Fähigkeit von 14 Bakterienstämmen, Lignin-Oligomere abzubauen und diese Komponenten zu nutzen
11 December 20199 September 2021 An exclusive interview with Jennifer Holmgren, CEO of LanzaTech: “We need to take more risks and move more quickly” In this exclusive interview, Jennifer Holmgren, CEO of LanzaTech, talks to Il Bioeconomista about the climate crisis and the ‘carbonsmart’ revolution
5 December 20192 December 2019 DISCOVRing Algal Strains for Sustainable Biofuels Consortium finds strain that has potential to contribute to productivity targets for open ponds
3 December 20199 September 2021 SoCalGas and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Announce U.S. Department of Energy Funding of Carbon Capture Project Companies collaboration aims to advance the development of a process called Integrated CO2 Capture and Conversion to Methanol (ICCCM)
27 November 20199 September 2021 LanzaTech Moves Forward on Sustainable Aviation Scale Up in the USA and Japan LanzaTech’s process can use any source of sustainable ethanol for jet fuel production, including ethanol made from recycled pollution
12 November 20197 November 2019 Naturally! Of course. How nature never stops surprising us Nature is not a passive object. It can resist our manipulations. New findings launched by Alle Bruggink and Diederik van der Hoeven
1 October 201926 September 2019 PNNL/INL team assesses costs and GHG LCA for converting biomass to drop-in fuels via fast pyrolysis and upgrading They found that for all eleven feedstocks, the largest cost contribution to minimum fuel selling price is capital-related costs, which is approximately 30%–40% of the MFSP
28 May 20199 September 2021 LanzaTech aims to fuel jets and make consumer goods from recycled carbon pollution Consumers soon could be taking flights powered by recycled carbon pollution and wearing sneakers synthesized from planet-warming waste gas
8 January 201920 December 2018 UC San Diego Awarded $2 Million to Advance Algae-based Renewable Polymers Department of Energy funds ‘bio-economy’ project for novel manufacturing of algae-based biopolymers
17 October 201816 October 2018 Redesigning poplar trees to take the drought … and the salt and the heat Improving poplar biomass production under stress conditions
11 October 201810 October 2018 PNNL and LanzaTech team to make new jet fuel Virgin Atlantic to fly first commercial flight on recycled waste gas
12 July 201810 July 2018 UK Government Grant to Develop World First Waste Carbon to Jet Fuel Project Successful bid in Future Fuels for Flight and Freight competition
5 July 20183 July 2018 EERE Success Story — From Breakfast to Biocrude: Study Identifies Production Potential across Nation To shed light on this uncertainty, a team of researchers performed a detailed analysis of these wastes’ potential for biofuel production
23 January 201820 January 2018 EERE Success Story: Archer Daniels Midland Partners with PNNL to Become a Leading Producer of Biobased Propylene Glycol Manufacturing plant in Decatur, Illinois, employs 140 people and can produce 100,000 metric tons of PG from renewable sources per year
11 October 201711 October 2017 Top 10 wood waste projects – Not letting waste go to waste All around the world scientist's projects are taking the leftovers and turning them into something valuable
28 September 20179 September 2021 Scientists show how to control catalyst that turns a greenhouse gas into a fuel or feedstock The Pivotal Step in Turning Carbon Dioxide
27 September 20179 September 2021 It’s Definitely Possible to Turn Greenhouse Gases into Fuel Feedstock PNNL researchers figured out a way to make sure that converting CO2 would only produce the desired chemical
6 July 201729 June 2017 Capturing CO2: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Algae-based CO2 sequestration A selection of key slides on Carbon Capture and Sequestion with relation to algae-based technologies
5 July 20173 July 2017 TU Munich: Bio-fuel from waste Zeolite catalysts pave the road to decentral chemical processes
TU München: Biosprit aus Abfällen Zeolith-Katalysatoren ebnen den Weg für dezentrale chemische Prozesse
16 June 201713 June 2017 Fungal Enzymes Team Up to More Efficiently Break Down Cellulose Collaborative science initiative enables resolution of fungal protein complexes
21 April 201718 April 2017 From moo to goo: Cooperating microbes convert methane to alternative fuel source Scientists at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed a new system to convert methane into a deep green, energy-rich, gelatin-like substance
28 March 201726 March 2017 New way to characterize cellulose, advance bioproducts WSU researchers revealed discovery that provides further insight into the surface and bulk chemistry of cellulosic fibers