21 March 202419 March 2024 USDA: Biobased products contributed $489 billion to the U.S. economy in 2021, up from $464 billion in 2020 As part of USDA’s activities to honor National Biobased Products Day, the Department has released two reports and announced a major investment in Oregon State University’s Global Hemp Innovation Center
28 September 202322 September 2023 Greener sun protection from plants, bacteria, and algae A spinoff from OSU developed a bio-sunsreen by using a biosynthesis method to grow the Zebrafish’s anti-UV compound inside the bodies of rapidly reproducing microorganisms
22 February 202316 February 2023 Looking beyond microplastics, Oregon State researchers find that cotton and synthetic microfibers impact behavior and growth of aquatic organisms New study found that microfibers of any kind are of concern, because scientists are increasingly identifying them in water samples and discovering they are causing adverse impacts in organisms and ecosystems
14 November 20229 November 2022 Oregon State, U.S. Dept. of Energy researchers take key step toward big gains in plastics recycling A collaboration led by NREL combined chemical and biological processes in a proof of concept and used chemical oxidation to break down a variety of plastic types
Stunden statt Jahrhunderte: Forscher entwickeln neue Recyclingmethode Viele Materialien gelten als nicht recycel- oder wiederverwendbar. Das könnte sich jedoch bald ändern, denn laut einer neuen Studie lässt sich selbst nicht recycelbares Plastik zersetzen
18 January 202217 January 2022 OSU research finds way to scrub carbon dioxide from factory emissions, make useful products A scientific collaboration led by a researcher at Oregon State University resulted in the development of a new compound that can harvest carbon dioxide from smokestacks and use it to produce commercially beneficial chemicals
10 August 20219 September 2021 NREL: Scientists to develop CO2-free fermentation technology CO2 waste translates into notable consequences for biorefiners scrambling to meet demand for low-carbon biofuels. Less carbon makes it into the fuel, lowering yields. More makes it into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas, accelerating climate change
16 July 20219 September 2021 These ‘supertrees’ are engineered to capture more carbon But the introduction of genetically modified trees raises some difficult questions
25 January 20219 September 2021 Oregon State researchers take key step toward cleaner, more sustainable production of hydrogen The observations led to a deep understanding of what was going on behind strontium iridate’s ability to work so well as a catalyst
6 May 20209 September 2021 Researchers make key advance toward production of important biofuel If it scales well, it could be an important milestone on the road toward non-reliance on fossil fuels
30 March 202028 March 2020 OSU research paves way to improved cleanup of contaminated groundwater Bio-Based Hydrogel Beads Clean Up Contaminated Groundwater
23 April 201918 June 2020 As Mass Timber Takes Off, How Green Is This New Building Material? Mass timber construction is on the rise, with advocates saying it could revolutionize the building industry and be part of a climate change solution. But some are questioning whether the logging and manufacturing required to produce the new material outweigh any benefits
16 October 20179 September 2021 Study: Sunlight and the right microbes convert Arctic carbon into carbon dioxide Oregon State and University of Michigan research identified compounds that microbes prefer using high-resolution chemistry and genetic approache
19 July 201618 July 2016 Future Bioeconomy Supported by More Than One Billion Tons of Biomass Potential United States could produce enough biomass to support a bioeconomy, including renewable aquatic and terrestrial biomass resources
15 February 201613 February 2016 Methanotrophs technology on the rise Calysta announced the formation of Methanotroph.org, a research community and a web source for methanotroph information
28 November 201427 November 2014 New technology uses natural wood fibers to reinforce plastic materials Research offers sustainable solutions that may have strong benefits to building, construction, automobile and aircraft industries
14 April 201412 April 2014 Trees go high-tech: process turns cellulose into energy storage devices OSU chemists found cellulose can be heated in a furnace in the presence of ammonia, and turned into the building blocks for supercapacitors
7 January 20146 January 2014 Washington DNR seeks mobile pyrolysis demonstration units One selected unit to be awarded with at least $20,000
6 September 2013 Biodegradable packaging and healthier baked goods from wine waste – O.S.U. Oregon State researchers created innovative promising biomaterial from pomace
27 February 2012 ZeaChem to Receive USDA Grant to Develop Advanced Biofuels Bio-based fuel production begins expected in 2013
24 October 2011 Production of biofuel from forests will increase greenhouse emissions New comprehensive study findings are contrary to assumptions and some previous studies
28 September 2011 ZeaChem and Partners Awarded $40 million USDA Grant ZeaChem Will Produce "Drop-In”Advanced Biofuels at Boardman, Oregon Biorefinery
3 March 2011 Study: Poplar leaves may hold the key to biodegradable plastic Hybrid poplar tree leaves might contain the ingredients for the biodegradable plastics of the future
27 July 2009 Research: Cruising on Microcrystalline Cellulose Wood product may replace silica in rubber tires