25 April 2018 Six candidates are nominated for the Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2018” From cashew nut residuals and cellulose fibrils over roof shingle sealer from soy-bean oil up to innovative composite and packaging materials
Sechs Kandidaten für den Innovationspreis “Bio-based Material of the Year 2018” nominiert Von Nebenprodukten der Cashewnuss-Produktion und Zellulosefibrillen über eine Dachschindelversiegelung aus Sojaöl bis hin zu innovativen Verbund- und Verpackungsmaterialien
8 August 20163 August 2016 Battelle growing more uses for soy-based plastics Battelle Memorial Institute wants to bring more soy to the world of plastics
9 June 20168 September 2016 Who has won the the Bio-Based Innovation Awards (Europe) 2016? Synprodo awards with "Greeny", the bio-based and compostable icebox for the Italian market
20 June 2011 Biobased material part-replaces petroleum derived materials in polyurethane Battelle licensed soybean-based polyols to Emery OleoChemicals LLC
19 January 201121 February 2018 Biobent Polymers’ Revolutionary Panacea™ Bioplastics Set New Industry Standard for Performance
12 August 2008 Soy-Based Bio-Plasticizer by PolyOne Patents from Battelle used to produce bio-based alternatives