13 January 202514 January 2025 Status and Outlook: Bio-based Polymers worldwide Global capacity to grow strongly, with major investments in China, Europe and the Middle East; new regulations driving demand for biodegradable plastics
2 January 202518 December 2024 European Bioplastics concludes EBC24 on a high note The sessions highlighted advancements in bioplastics, assessed their environmental impacts and sustainability milestones, and provided a comprehensive overview of the global industry landscape
1 October 202425 September 2024 Bioplastics in the medical industry: Is a green future a reality? Aastha Mahanta, associate consultant, polymers & specialty chemicals, ChemBizR, discusses the role of bioplastics in the medical industry
22 August 202419 August 2024 Industry’s workhorse chemicals go biobased Thousands of chemicals are used by consumers and businesses every day. At the base of most of their supply chains lie petrochemicals
13 August 202412 August 2024 Emirates Biotech announces new leadership team to drive innovation and growth in the PLA industry This new leadership team, which will be based in Dubai, brings unparalleled expertise and vision to Emirates Biotech as the company aims to become a leading player in the PLA (Polylactic Acid) biopolymer industry
27 June 202425 June 2024 European Bioplastics elects new Board with Mariagiovanna Vetere and Franz Kraus elected as Co-Chairs European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the bioplastics industry in Europe, has elected a new Board during its General Assembly on 4 June
28 May 202423 May 2024 NatureWorks’ Ingeo PLA Manufacturing Expansion Attracts Record Financing from Krungthai Bank PCL of Thailand One of the singular largest loans in the bank’s decades-long history supports Thailand's ambitious Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) strategy
NatureWorks: Finanzierungszusage für neues PLA-Werk in Thailand Der Aussendung zufolge kann das Unternehmen mit dieser Fazilität der drittgrößten thailändischen Geschäftsbank die Kapitalstruktur des PLA-Projekts weiter optimieren
26 April 202423 April 2024 CJ Biomaterials Introduces Two Revolutionary PHACT™ PHA-Based Compounds for Compostable Film Packaging Together with NatureWorks, LLC., the combined performance of Ingeo™ PLA with PHACT PHA has delivered these two new compounds packed with performance and priced competitively
11 April 202417 April 2024 NatureWorks and IMA Announce Turn-Key Compostable Coffee Pod Solution Compatible for North America The strategic partnership delivers a complete coffee pod with a rigid capsule body, filter, and lidding made from Ingeo™️ PLA biopolymer allowing for superior, repeatable performance in brewing and production at commercial line speeds comparable with incumbent materials
29 February 202426 February 2024 CJ Biomaterials PHA-Based Polybag Makes Same-Day Delivery More Sustainable South Korea-based health and beauty retailer CJ Olive Young will incorporate the new PHA-based bags into their same-day delivery service
6 February 202430 January 2024 CJ Biomaterials Expands Consumer Application for Patented PHA Technology to a New Food Product New, eco-friendly noodle cup is the first of its kind in the country - and it is biodegradable and compostable, reducing the amount of plastic waste entering the environment
8 January 202422 December 2023 That’s a wrap for EBC23 European Bioplastics wraps up two days of insightful sessions, policy panel and market data analysis at EBC23
3 January 202419 December 2023 NatureWorks: Erik Ripple neuer Präsident und CEO Ripple wird die Nachfolge von Interimspräsidentin und CEO Jill Zullo antreten, die diese Funktion seit März 2023 innehatte
15 December 202314 December 2023 NatureWorks Appoints Erik Ripple New President and CEO Ripple joins NatureWorks as it continues market-leading growth and innovation with construction of new 75kta Ingeo biopolymer manufacturing facility underway in Thailand
27 November 202322 November 2023 Compostable Coffee Capsules Made with NatureWorks’ Ingeo Biopolymer Score Highest Sustainability Marks in New Study by Wageningen University & Research The study concludes that compostable coffee capsules are the most sustainable option when considering both greenhouse emissions and material circularity
2 November 202330 October 2023 NatureWorks Announces Next Phase of Construction on New Fully Integrated Ingeo™️ PLA Biopolymer Manufacturing Facility in Thailand The leading manufacturer of low-carbon polylactic acid (PLA) biopolymers is on track to complete construction on their newest manufacturing facility with full production anticipated in 2025
19 May 202316 May 2023 Ceresana: Bioplastics Market Report This is the eighth time that Ceresana has investigated the dynamically growing global market for “green” polymers: Analysts expect revenues generated with bioplastics to increase to around USD 11.4 billion by 2032
Ceresana: Marktstudie Biokunststoffe Ceresana hat zum achten Mal den wachsenden Weltmarkt für „grüne“ Polymere untersucht: Die Analysten erwarten, dass der Biokunststoff-Umsatz bis zum Jahr 2032 auf rund 11,4 Milliarden US-Dollar wachsen wird
10 May 20235 May 2023 NatureWorks and Jabil Collaborate to Offer New Ingeo PLA-based Powder for Selective Laser Sintering 3D Printing Platforms Renewably sourced biomaterials and lower sintering temperature result in a more sustainable substrate for powder bed fusion technologies requiring less energy use and a carbon footprint 89% smaller than PA-12
26 April 202321 April 2023 NatureWorks introduces new Ingeo biopolymer solution for improved softness and strength in biobased nonwovens for hygiene applications Delivering enhanced fluid management, improved tensile strength and up to 40% increase in softness offering a better performing spunbond nonwoven that minimizes converting challenges while providing a 62% smaller carbon footprint
23 February 202317 February 2023 NatureWorks Celebrates Construction Milestone for New Fully Integrated Ingeo™️ PLA Biopolymer Manufacturing Facility in Thailand The new plant is designed to be fully integrated including production sites for lactic acid, lactide, and polymer
9 January 20234 January 2023 CJ Biomaterials Partners with South Korean Industry-University Research Council to Promote Eco-Friendly Material and Accelerate Adoption of PHA Technology Companies help address the challenge of plastic waste, which is capable of all modes of biodegradability and compostability, including marine, soil, home and industrial
19 December 202214 December 2022 Bio is not necessarily bio Bio-based, biodegradable and sometimes fossil: biopolymers are a patchwork family
29 November 202228 November 2022 CJ Biomaterials and NatureWorks Sign Master Collaboration Agreement, Solidifying Relationship to Commercialize Novel Biopolymer Solutions The two companies will develop sustainable materials solutions based on CJ Biomaterials' PHACT™ PHA and NatureWorks' Ingeo™ PLA technologies
23 November 202218 November 2022 Biomaterials take circularity forward NatureWorks has developed multiple processes to tackle plastics and textiles waste, for example Ingeo PLA, involving used PLA, broken down and repolymerized into PLA for use in other applications
13 October 202213 October 2022 Biopolymers Are Flourishing: Ceresana Examines the Global Market for Bioplastics Biggest increase in polylactid acids and starch
Biopolymere florieren: Ceresana untersucht den Weltmarkt für Biokunststoffe Größtes Wachstum bei Polymilchsäuren und Stärke
7 October 20225 October 2022 Biobased chemicals – market opportunities for small and large innovators Drawing data from NNFCC's own news reviews, this article looks at the chemical giants driving innovation in the biobased chemicals sector in recent years
14 September 202212 September 2022 LG Chem, ADM form JV’s for US-based Lactic Acid, Polylactic Acid From Chicago and Seoul comes news that LG Chem and ADM have launchedtwo joint ventures for U.S. production of lactic acid and polylactic acid
2 September 202222 August 2022 Billions pour into bioplastics as markets begin ramping up In a world increasingly troubled by the persistent harm that plastic — manufactured in petrochemical plants — has had on the environment, companies are investing billions of dollars to ramp up production of plastics made from natural, renewable materials that can be safely composted or can biodegrade under the right conditions
18 July 202213 July 2022 European Bioplastics elects new Board with Stefan Barot as Chairperson The new supporting Vice Chairpersons, Lars Börger (Neste) and Mariagiovanna Vetere (NatureWorks) will be headed by Barot and establish a clear and reliable political environment for bioplastics
7 June 202230 May 2022 CJ BIO and NatureWorks Working Towards a Master Collaboration Agreement to Commercialize Novel Biopolymer Solutions Companies signed letter of intent to collaborate on creating advanced products based on Ingeo™ PLA and PHACT® PHA technologies to meet growing demand for sustainable materials across wide array of markets
2 June 202225 May 2022 PHA and PLA partnerships PLA’s market size is expected to almost double to 800 ktpa by 2026 with 4-7 new PLA plants being built
24 May 202217 May 2022 How NatureWorks’ Ingeo biobased polymer changed 3D printing forever From plants, to rings of lactide, to PLA 3D printing filament through polymerization
31 March 202228 March 2022 ABB to automate bioplastics plant to help meet the growing global demand for sustainable materials ABB technology to automate NatureWorks’ new bioplastics plant in Thailand helping to meet the increasing global market demand for sustainable materials
21 March 202215 March 2022 International Women’s Day. We celebrate all the women who are making the bioeconomy happen The current global labour force participation rate for women is close to 46% (for men it is 71%), according to the International Labour Organisation
17 March 202211 March 2022 John Crane Secures Partnership with NatureWorks in Development of New Biopolymer Manufacturing Facility John Crane's polymer melt filtration system will help to produce NatureWorks' Ingeo™ PLA biopolymer, a process that transforms greenhouse gases and plant sugars into bioplastic
7 March 20222 March 2022 NatureWorks and IMA accelerate on testing phase of the compostable coffee pod Initial filling tests at IMA COFFEE Lab on K-Cup compatible compostable coffee pods based on NatureWorks’ low-carbon Ingeo™️ PLA biopolymers accelerate based on promising results
4 February 202228 January 2022 Sulzer: Technologielieferung für PLA-Werk in Thailand Schweizer Unternehmen hilft auch bei der Projektierung der Anlagen und der Beschaffung wesentlicher Ausrüstungen und wird NatureWorks bei der Inbetriebnahme des Komplexes unterstützen
28 January 202224 January 2022 NatureWorks to Open New Headquarters and Advanced Biopolymers Research and Development Facility Located in Plymouth, MN, USA, the new R&D center will include state-of-the-art facilities dedicated to fermentation research and development of new applications using Ingeo™️ PLA biopolymer
25 January 202220 January 2022 Sulzer’s PLA bioplastics production technology selected for NatureWorks’ new plant with annual capacity of 75’000 tons Sulzer is delivering customized state-of-the-art production technology to NatureWorks’ latest biopolymer manufacturing facility which will be located in Nakhon Sawan Biocomplex, Thailand
20 January 202219 January 2022 Unique equipment for biotechnological capture and conversion of CO2 into chemical building blocks developed in the BioRECO2VER project Examining the conversion of CO2 emissions from refineries and the cement industry into the chemical building blocks isobutene (C4H8) and lactate (C2H6O3)
14 January 20228 January 2022 Cargill to acquire Croda’s bio-based industrial business, expanding natured-derived solutions for customers New investment to dramatically expand the company's bioindustrial footprint on searching for "greener" ingredient solutions
15 December 202113 December 2021 The 10 Most Innovative Bioeconomy CEOs 2021 Survey to choose the most innovative bioeconomy CEO of 2021
13 December 20218 December 2021 European Bioplastics Conference confirms bioplastics make significant contributions to the European Union’s ambitious climate goals New European Bioplastics market data, based on research from the nova-institute, gave a very positive outlook for bioplastics production
30 November 202125 November 2021 European Bioplastics Conference: NatureWorks expects unprecedented market growth despite unfavorable legislations GreenScreen Certified Standard for Food Serviceware seems to become a “new necessity” for all materials, including bioplastics
12 October 20217 October 2021 Jacobs Awarded Contract from NatureWorks Company hits milestones for the new NatureWorks biopolymer plant in Southeast Asia
14 September 20219 September 2021 Ceresana Research: Bioplastics Market Report Analysts expect revenues from bioplastics to rise to approx. USD 8.1 billion by 2030
Ceresana Research: Marktstudie Biokunststoffe Analysten erwarten, dass der Biokunststoff-Umsatz bis zum Jahr 2030 auf rund 8,1 Milliarden US-Dollar wachsen wird