9 January 202511 January 2025 CO2-eating bacteria recycles carbon from chimney smoke directly into new products New research from Aarhus University has revealed how we can make it much cheaper to capture and convert CO2 from industry for usable products. The research has just been published in Nature Communications
14 June 202410 June 2024 Spider-silk-inspired strong and tough hydrogel fibers with anti-freezing and water retention properties Researchers from the South China University of Technology developed bionic hydrogel fibers with elaborated ionic crosslinking and crystalline domains
22 February 202419 February 2024 Nanoscale research might help convert CO2 waste into usable products Researchers used extremely powerful magnification equipment to study at a nanoscale how synthetic materials that catalyze and convert carbon dioxide break down
Forscher decken schwer fassbaren Flaschenhals auf, der die weltweiten Anstrengungen zur Umwandlung von Kohlendioxidabfällen in verwertbare Produkte behindert Forscher verwendeten extrem starke Vergrößerungsgeräte, um im Nanomaßstab zu untersuchen, wie synthetische Materialien, die Kohlendioxid katalysieren und umwandeln, zerfallen
5 February 202431 January 2024 Look out Spider-Man: naturalistic silk spun from artificial spider gland Researchers led by Keiji Numata at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science in Japan, along with colleagues from the RIKEN Pioneering Research Cluster, have succeeded in creating a device that spins artificial spider silk that closely matches what spiders naturally produce
16 January 20249 January 2024 The extra mile from the lab to industry Converting the greenhouse gas CO₂ into raw materials for industry using renewable energies: What electrocatalysis can do in theory should be applied as quickly as possible
Die Extrameile vom Labor in die Industrie Das Treibhausgas CO₂ mittels erneuerbarer Energien in Ausgangsstoffe für die Industrie umwandeln: Was die Elektrokatalyse in der Theorie kann, soll möglichst schnell in die Anwendung
5 October 20232 October 2023 Scientists Use Bacteria to Turn Plastic Into Useful Substances James Collins from MIT and Ting Lu with the University of Illinois described in a study how to turn plasticwaste into useful products
6 July 20234 July 2023 Using Cyanobacteria to Convert Carbon Dioxide into Glucose Glucose is the most abundant monosaccharide, serving as an essential energy source for cells and as an important feedstock for the biorefinery industry
20 April 202319 April 2023 Enzyme that Breaks Down PET Plastic Leipzig scientists increase efficiency
8 February 20236 February 2023 Could natural decay be a solution to plastic pollution after all? The worm saliva contains enzymes that can dissolve plastic bags and packaging, and NIOZ researchers even proved that plastics can be broken down by sunlight
9 December 20226 December 2022 Modified enzyme brings value to lignin monomers The chemical industry faces the challenge of replacing fossil-based building blocks with green alternatives. Biomass is an interesting source of carbon-based molecules
22 November 202217 November 2022 Wax worm saliva contains enzymes capable of breaking down plastics These enzymes are the first and only known enzymes to degrade polyethylene plastic by oxidizing and breaking it down after just a few hours of exposure - without requiring pre-treatment and at room temperature
31 August 202225 August 2022 Scientists develop gel made from spider silk proteins for biomedical applications Researchers at KI and SLU have discovered that spider silk proteins can be fused to biologically active proteins and be converted into a gel at body temperature