6 November 20242 November 2024 Wasserstoff aus Sonnenenergie und landwirtschaftlichen Abfällen: Mit Kuhmist zur umweltfreundlichen Wasserstoffproduktion U.S.-Wissenschaftlern ist es erstmals gelungen, die für die Wasserspaltung erforderliche Spannung zu verringern, indem sie statt einer herkömmlichen Kohlenstoffquelle nur reine Biomasse in die Reaktion einführten
10 June 20244 November 2024 New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste University of Illinois Chicago experts used a carbon-rich substance called biochar to decrease the amount of electricity needed to convert water to hydrogen
6 June 202431 May 2024 Solar-Powered CO2 Capture and Green Methanol Production Unveiled DAC involves the selective adsorption of CO2 from the air using solid capture media, followed by the regeneration of the sorbent using low-temperature heat sources
24 October 201713 October 2017 Paper-Based Supercapacitor Uses Metal Nanoparticles to Boost Energy Density Researchers have developed a paper-based flexible supercapacitor that could be used to help power wearable devices
1 April 201531 March 2015 Red macroalgae as a sustainable resource for bio-based products With recent technological advances, the efficient utilization of red macroalgae for biofuel and chemical production is now possible
19 August 201418 August 2014 Dr Woo turns microalgae into succinic acid Korea Institute of Science and Technology presented breakthrough in the technology for utilising microalgae
23 June 201422 June 2014 Urine: An Ever-Flowing Stream of Fuel Cell Material? Korean Scientists Demonstrated Carbon Extracted from Dried Urine as a Powerful Conductor of Electricity