27 June 201624 June 2016 Rubber from Russian dandelions: a serious European alternative to rubber tree plantations DRIVE4EU project focusing on development of a successful production chain
9 December 20148 December 2014 Sequencing of cotton A-genome could boost industry Collaboration with Bayer CropScience could translate into better commercial varieties for growers
2 April 20142 April 2014 KeyGene and Kultevat reach milestones in Russian Dandelion natural rubber Rigorous breeding strategy improved Russian dandelion lines with superior agronomic performance, latex quality and yields
15 February 2013 Dandelion tires? It’s not a Beatles lyric, it’s biotech Commercial dandelion tires to be ready for production in as little as five to ten years
12 October 2009 Bayer CropScience entschlüsselt das Raps-Genom Kenntnisse des Genoms verbessern die Möglichkeiten der Pflanzenzüchtung