13 December 201711 December 2017 Five bio-based Christmas gifts that won’t cost the earth Bio-Based World News come up with some of our favourite bio-based and sustainable products
1 February 201629 January 2016 Research and Markets: Global Bio-Based Resins Market-Segmented By Type, Application and Geography (2015-2020) Techchnologies & Forecasts - Key Vendors: BASF, Dow Chemical & Etech Surf
25 June 201525 June 2015 USDA says backing push to expand “bio-economy” The productivity and innovation of U.S. agriculture is driving a transformation to bio-based products across the economy that is supporting millions of jobs and significantly displacing fossil fuels, according to a study from the USDA on Wednesday.
30 January 201529 January 2015 nature.tec – Fachschau Bioökonomie erfolgreich beendet 415.000 Messebesucher auf dem Weg in eine bio-basierte Wirtschaft
9 December 20146 December 2014 Förderung durch das BMEL: neue Abgasvorschriften für Traktoren mit Pflanzenölkraftstoffen erfüllt Ergebnisse am 2. Dezember 2014 in der Landesvertretung Rheinland-Pfalz in Berlin vorgestellt
10 July 20149 July 2014 New Supply Chain Sustainability Program for U.S. Crops Field to Market metrics and benchmarks developed through a multi-stakeholder process to become an important platform
17 June 2013 Biofuels and Renewable Chemicals’s Hottest Partners for 2013-14 You chose - here are the winners in this year’s poll
25 March 2010 Innovative Technik aus Bayern in Brüssel "Rapsöl – Zukunftskraftstoff aus der Landwirtschaft für die Landwirtschaft"
7 September 2009 Messeduo “biomasse” und “Holz Erleben” in Straubing, 2.-4.10.09 Alternative Kraftstoffe für Schlepper und PKW
13 February 2009 USA: 28 new soy products in 2008 Product introductions include foam for the bedroom and cleaners for the kitchen
16 January 2009 Drei Hersteller zeigen Pflanzenölschlepper Zweitanksystem bei Fendt und Deutz-Fahr serienmäßig, John Deere arbeitet an Eintanklösung
1 December 2008 Zwischenstand vom John Deere-Pflanzenöltraktor Forschungsprojekt erfolgreich beendet, Serienproduktion noch unklar
27 August 2008 ADM, Deere, Monsanto to Collaborate on Corn Stover Research Sustainable ways to use 290 million tons should be found